Sell the hotel

After viewing graphical hotel availability, complete availability, and rate rules, you are ready to sell the hotel room.

Press Book.

The Review and confirm screen is displayed with the rate information on the left and the traveler information on the right. The traveler information may be pre-populated if you:

  • Added the hotel to an existing air booking

  • Transferred a profile before starting the hotel search

  • Entered the passenger information manually before performing the hotel search.

A guarantee is normally required to book a room and for most properties this will need to be a debit or a credit card, as in this example:

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Agencies provisioned for Conferma Hotel Billback can select either Conferma - new deployment or Conferma - add deployed card as payment options. Enter the account ID or name and contact email address. If you select a new deployment, select whether to use the estimated total or to use an amount that you specify, which covers the estimated total plus any incidental charges, as the limit amount.

When you have entered all the passenger information, the Confirm and book button becomes available. Press it to book the hotel. The hotel is successfully booked.

View the graphical booking

Immediately after you make the booking, an option appears at the bottom right to view the booking.

You may collapse and expand the Travelers, Reservations, Booking information, and Document invoicing sections on the left as needed to view the information.

If multiple properties are booked, a card for each property will be displayed in the reservations tabs. The cards can display in three colors (states). The default state, meaning the hotel card is not selected, is displayed in white. The card is sand colored when hovering over, and blue if selected, such as the hotel in Madrid below.

View the booking in the terminal window

To view the booking file/PNR in the terminal, use the Toggle viewicon to switch.

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The following table lists the components of the Inside Availability sell response:




Segment number


Travelport+ sold hotel


Hotel chain code


Status code, number of rooms (HS1 if the PNR is not yet ended)


City/Airport code


IN and OUT dates


Number of nights


Hotel property number


Property name


Room type, number sold


Rate guarantee with the amount and currency code


Agency IATA number


Guarantee/deposit credit card number


Name of reserved hotel guest


Confirmation number

Enter *I to view any additional information. In this example, it displays the approximate total.

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Next lesson: Cryptic availability search