Graphical hotel availability search

The graphical Hotel Search enables you to search for hotel properties and select room/rate options.  Press the Search icon, and then select Hotel Search.

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As shown below, some of the fields are pre-populated if an active booking is displayed first.

The Search screen displays as a side panel in the Smartpoint Cloud screen. By default, the side panel is unpinned and collapses if you click outside the side panel. You can press the Pin icon to keep the side panel open if you want to simultaneously view the PNR window or work in other parts of the Smartpoint Cloud screen. Press the pin again to unpin the side panel.

A screenshot of a hotel registration form

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Going to

Enter destination, either a 3-letter airport/city code, the name of a town/city, a landmark, an address, or a postcode.

Check-In Date

Check-Out Date

Enter the check-in and check-out dates in day and month format (both 15 Apr and Apr 15 are accepted) or select the date from the calendar.


Enter the number of guests. The default is one.


At this time, you can only search for one room.


From the location in the going to box.  Default is 25 miles or kilometers.

Distance Unit

Select miles or km.

Additonal Qualifiers

Hotel Chain

Select up to 4 hotel chains. Use the 2-letter code or type the full name and select from the list.

Negotiated Rate Codes

Add up to 8 negotiated rate codes. Press + to expand the screen if more than 4. Rate codes from a transferred agency profile are pre-populated here.

Rate Category

Select up to 3 rate categories from the drop-down list, such as Association, Senior Citizen, or Government.

Property name

Enter a hotel name or partial name to search for a hotel.

Graphical availability example

To request availability for hotel properties:

  • With a stay between 13MAR  and 17MAR

  • Within a 10-mile of Singapore airport

  • With rates for one hotel room with two guests

Complete the Hotel Search as follows, and then press Search.

A screenshot of a hotel search

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The search results list the hotel name and location, price per night, refund information, source, and additional rate types available. Rate types include Travelport, Corporate, Consortium, Travelport Exclusive, and

Sponsored (featured property) hotels are indicated by a tag and a color change.

The map shows where each hotel is located. If you have been provisioned for aggregator content, this will display alongside traditional GDS content when available.

A map of a city

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Property information and complete room rates

Select a hotel from the list of results to display a specific property, including a hotel image, the different room types, and prices. This is known as complete availability.

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Notice the property name, North star rating (AAA rating could be shown here instead, if applicable), the address, and details of the number of nights, rooms, and guests. You can sort room rates by price or refundability using the Default arrows at the top of the rate list.

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The list has now been sorted from low to high.

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View details and rules

To find out more information about a specific room rate and to check the rules, press View details. This is where you can find the cancellation policy, any information about commission, and the rate per night. It’s important to read this information carefully before selling a room.

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Negotiated rate codes

To search for negotiated rates, you can enter up to 8 rate codes in the search screen. These can be added manually, or if stored in the agency file, they will pre-populate the hotel search automatically once the file is transferred.

Note: If a business profile is moved into the booking, negotiated rate codes are automatically added from the profile and included in each hotel search request. Negotiated rate codes can be added to an agency (MAR) or company (BAR) profile.

Sponsored property

Any sponsored (featured) properties will display at the top of the availability response, indicated in a different color and by a tag.

Aggregator content

Smartpoint Cloud also displays properties and room rates from sources outside of the GDS. This is known as aggregator content. 

Refer to this search in Dubai. You can see rates from on lines 1,2, and 4, with traditional GDS rates on lines 3 and 5.

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Select a property to display the information and room rates in the same way as the GDS rates.

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Press View details to view the details and rules of the rate.

A screenshot of a flight schedule

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Trip quotes and itineraries

Press +Quote for any rates you want to add to the traveler's quote.

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In this example, three room rates have been added to Trip Quote. Press this icon to view the Trip Quote basket.

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From the Trip Quote basket, you can copy the details to the clipboard (to paste into an email) or save the information as a PDF file.

To delete an option from the basket, use the delete icon . To clear the basket completely, press the Clear button above the quotes.

Next lesson: Sell the hotel