Maintaining Revenue Types

You can add, change, and delete revenue types.

Adding a Revenue Type

The Revenue Type works in conjunction with the Processing Table. If you add a Revenue Type, you should also add the revenue type with the appropriate G/L account numbers in the Processing Table.

There are several steps involved in adding a revenue type so that you can use it with invoices. These steps must be performed in the following order.

  1. Add a revenue chart and a sales chart for the new revenue type. Use Chart of Accounts Overview.
  2. If necessary, add a travel type (on the System submenu, click Travel/Customer/Revenue Types, and then click the Travel tab).

    If you are adding a revenue type for non-ARC air, you will probably not need to add a travel type. If you are adding a revenue type for visas, you might need to add a travel type, depending on your reporting needs.

  3. Add the revenue type (on the System submenu, click Travel/Customer/Revenue Types, and then click the Revenue tab).
  4. Create processing table entries for the revenue type. You must create an entry for each combination of sale type, settlement type, and the new revenue type. For example, for non-ARC air, you might create two entries: retail/invoice/non-ARC air and retail/direct/non-ARC air (you do not need entries for retail/ARC or retail/tracking). If you are adding a revenue type for international hotels, you might create three entries (retail/ ARC, retail/Invoice, and retail/tracking).

Note: It is strongly recommended that you call the GlobalWare Help Desk for assistance with processing table entries.

Editing a Revenue Type

To change a revenue type, type in the field in the browse window. After you have made all needed changes, select SAVE.

Removing a Revenue Type

Removing a revenue type involves several steps. These steps must be performed in the following order. You cannot remove a revenue type if there are invoices using that revenue type.

  1. Remove all processing table entries that have the revenue type.
  2. Delete the revenue type.
  3. If desired, delete the travel type.