Post Invoices to GL

If your agency uses accrual accounting, use the Post Invoices to GL function to create accrued account receivables and payables and to post sales and commissions in the general ledger. For more information, see Accrual Posting.

This function can be used daily or weekly. Some agencies prefer to post after ARC has been settled, as editing posted items updates the general ledger and unapplies applied receivables.

As a best practice, it is recommended that only one user be logged in to GlobalWare when posting invoices to the general ledger. This prevents posting discrepancies from occurring.

Important: Invoices are posted for those branches to which the user has access. If a user has access to a limited number of branches, the message Invoices not Posted for All Branches displays. This messages means that the user who posted invoices did not have access to all branches, and invoices from restricted branches were not posted.

To post invoices:

  1. On the GL submenu, click Post Invoices to GL.

    The Post Invoices to GL screen appears.

  2. Enter a date range for the posting.
  3. Select Print Report if you want to print the posting report. Then in the drop-down box that appears, select Errors Only or All Items. Errors Only lists only items that did not post (for example, because the accounting period is closed). All Items lists each item and the charts it posted to (or the error message). If you do not print the report, errors appear in pop-up message boxes.
  4. Click POST.

To learn about a report that shows you what posted to the general ledger, see Invoice Posting Detail Report.