Voiding Deposit Items

Use the Void Deposit Item screen to void posted cash receipts for a bank deposit. This screen appears when you double-click a posted receipt in the grid on the right side of the Bank Deposit screen. For information about the Bank Deposit screen, see Creating Deposits and Working with Existing Deposits.

Note: Receipts displayed in the grid with a blue background have been posted. Those with a gray background have not been posted. You cannot void unposted receipts. However, you can delete them by selecting the row in the grid for the receipt you want to delete and pressing Ctrl+Delete.

Click one of the following buttons as appropriate:

If you update a receipt, the procedure you perform to reconcile the bank account does not change. However, if you add a negative receipt, you must deal manually with the multiple items that add up to one deposit.

To reprint the deposit slip after you void a cash receipt, retrieve the deposit on the Bank Deposit screen, and then click PRINT. For details, see Creating Deposits and Working with Existing Deposits.

GlobalWare performs the following actions when you void a cash receipt:

If you receive an error while attempting to void a receipt, see the section about error messages in Void Cash Receipt.