Unlocking Cash Receipts

GlobalWare locks a cash receipt when a user changes it without saving it, such as can happen when the application is interrupted by using Ctrl+Alt+Delete, when a temporary disconnection from the Sybase database occurs, and during a power outage. You can become aware of a locked receipt in the following ways:

This topic explains unlocking a cash receipt. If you need assistance, contact the GlobalWare Help Desk.

Note: To perform this procedure, your GlobalWare user account must have High permission under System Menu on the Employee Security screen. For more information, see Employee Security.

To unlock a cash receipt:

  1. With the deposit for the locked receipt displayed on the Bank Deposit screen, select the locked receipt in the grid. It will have a red background.
  2. Press Ctrl+U.

    The following confirmation message appears.

  3. Click Yes.

    Another confirmation message appears.

  4. Click No.

    GlobalWare unlocks the cash receipt.

  5. Perform one of the following actions from the receipt grid as appropriate: