Unapplying Items

If you have mistakenly applied money or an adjustment to the wrong invoice, you can unapply without having to delete or edit.

Do not unapply a check or receipt that you need to void. Voiding will unapply automatically. If you attempt to unapply a provider check before voiding it, you receive a Provider Check Warning Message.

To unapply open items:

  1. On the Accounts submenu, click Adjust Accounts. Alternatively, click the Adjust Accounts () icon on the GlobalWare icon toolbar.

    The Adjust Accounts screen appears.

  2. Enter the account ID for which you wrongfully applied the amount.

  3. Enter the adjustment date for entry into the general ledger (which defaults to today's date).

  4. Click SEARCH to display a list of all open items on the account.

  5. Click UNAPPLY.

    The Unapply Funds screen appears.

  6. Enter search criteria to find the item(s) you want to unapply. Click OK.

  7. Double click the item(s) from the search results that you want to unapply. Click OK.

    The amount is unapplied and should appear as an open item on the Adjust Accounts screen.
