Employee Accounts Overview

You should create employee account IDs for the following reasons:

To create employee accounts, see Adding Accounts. To modify them, see Edit Employee Screen.

Employee Security

An employee's account ID can be the same as their front-room code if it does not duplicate another account ID. For example, employee account ID "AL" cannot be used because the account ID already exists for Alamo. In this situation, use a different code, such as a combination of first and last name. The employee account ID is linked to the front-room code by the Sign In field on the Employee Security screen.

The Password field on the Employee Security screen determines whether an employee can sign in to GlobalWare. The employee cannot sign in to GlobalWare without a password.
Note: To create a NO Access Employee account, leave the sign in and password fields blank.

The Employee Security function also enables you to grant or restrict the GlobalWare functions each employee can use. You can assign security when creating or modifying an employee ID, or you can access this function from GlobalWare's System submenu. For details about the Employee Security screen and the security levels (permissions) you can set, see Employee Security.

Note: To assign and access data on the Employee Security screen, your own employee account profile must have Empl Security and System Menu High selected on the Employee Security screen.