Edit Provider Screen

This topic describes the Edit Provider screen.

Field, Button, and Link Descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the Edit Provider screen.

Field Description

All Account Types

On Hold

Indicates whether the provider account is on hold.


Salutation as it should appear in mail merge documents. This field allows up to 24 alphanumeric characters.

Sort Name

Sort name for the account. This field allows up to 13 alphanumeric characters.


Name for the account. This field allows up to 60 alphanumeric characters.


Account's first address line. This field allows up to 60 alphanumeric characters.


Account's second address line. This field allows up to 60 alphanumeric characters.


Account's third address line. This field allows up to 60 alphanumeric characters.


City name. This field allows up to 30 alphabetic characters.


State code. This field allows up to 30 alphabetic characters.


Zip plus four. This field allows up to 30 numeric characters.


Country code or name. This field allows up to 20 alphanumeric characters.


E-mail address. This field allows up to 30 alphanumeric characters.


Full business number, including any extension. This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters.


Full fax number, including any extension. This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters.


Full home phone number. This field allows up to 15 alphanumeric characters.

Our Account Number

Agency's account number with the provider. The agency’s account number is usually the agency's ARC number. 20 alphanumeric characters are allowed.

Multiple Items per check

Check this option box if you might pay the provider for more than one item per check.

Central Pay for Hotels

Check this option box only if the provider is a hotel that pays commissions through a central office.

Comm %

The percent of commission usually paid by this provider.

Preferred Provider

Indicates the travel agency's provider preference. The Preferred Provider Report groups providers by this classification. For more information, see Preferred Provider Report.

Note: To indicate a customer's provider preferences, use the Travel Preferences link on the Edit Customer screen.

  • Neutral – Indicates a neutral provider (neither preferred nor discouraged).
  • Preferred – Indicates a preferred provider.
  • Discouraged – Indicates a discouraged provider.


Alpha airline code (UA, AA, CO, and so forth). If the account is a hotel property, enter the hotel chain code (for example, HH, HY, BW).

Trav. Type

Enter the travel type or choose from drop-down list.


Variable length alpha numeric. This field allows up to approximately 30,000 alphanumeric characters.


Date on which the account was opened.


Date on which the account was last changed.

The following table describes the buttons and links on the Edit Provider screen.

Button or Link Description

Contact Log

Opens the Contact Manager screen. This screen enables you to enter the contacts that an agent has made or needs to make with an account. For more information, see Managing Contacts.

Report Options

Opens the Report Options screen. This screen enables you to add comments to provider accounts. For more information, see Report Options (for Provider Accounts).


Saves the account and any changes made.


Deletes the displayed account. For more information, see Deleting Accounts.


Displays the account immediately preceding the currently displayed account as listed in the Search Results grid.


Displays the account immediately following the currently displayed account as listed in the Search Results grid.