Before You Begin Importing Invoices

This topic provides information about Import Invoices function options that affect import process behavior.

IMPORTANT: Carefully read this information before you import invoice data.

Backing up

It is important that you back up your GlobalWare database before importing data. You can restore the backup if you need to recover from errors. For details, see Backing Up GlobalWare Data and Restoring GlobalWare Data. The I Have a Current Backup check box on the Import Invoices screen ensures that you remember this. You cannot start the import process unless you mark this check box.

Validating and importing account, invoice, and comment data

While you can validate and import data for accounts, invoices, and comments separately by selecting Invoice Data, Account Data, or Update Comment Data on the Import Invoices screen, it is recommended that you select all three. Then run the validation process by clicking VALIDATE, review the validation reports, and fix any issues. After fixing all issues, you are ready to import data by clicking IMPORT.

GlobalWare imports a record from an import file only if GlobalWare determines that the record has no issues. For example, if a booking location does not exist in GlobalWare, the record will not be imported. (This is different than what happens when you run the interface, which stores the main branch.) GlobalWare provides the VALIDATE button on the Import Invoices screen to report data issues, but not import data. This enables you to validate and fix the data before running the import process.

It is highly recommended that you do not import a file unless the validation process finds no issues in it. Reason: Assume you have a file with ten invoices. Two are type RTTP and result in errors because you have not created an RTT entry in GlobalWare's Processing table. The other eight do not have errors. If you validate, correct the error by adding the RTT entry, then import. All ten items will import. If you import without correcting the error, only the other eight items will store. If you then add the RTT entry and import again, the two RTT items will store, but the other eight will store again. As a result, you will have eight duplicates.

Import files, which are contained in the folder that is specified in the File Location field on the Import Invoices screen, are validated or imported in the following order if you choose to validate or import all three:

Status of imported invoices

When you import invoices, you choose what general ledger and subledger status the invoices will be imported with.

Mark All Invoices Posted to GL

If you select this option, the invoices will be marked as posted to the general ledger with the appropriate sales posted date and sales posted amount.

Mark All Invoices Paid in Full

If you select this option, the invoices will be marked with customer, provider, and commission received in full (or as not applicable, if appropriate).

Generally, select both options if importing historical data (for example, for a conversion), and check neither option if importing new data.

Duplicate invoice numbers

You have the option to error on duplicate invoice numbers. If you select this option, items on the same invoice number that are together in the file will store, but items that are separated will not. For example, if a file has these invoice numbers in this order and these invoice numbers do not exist in GlobalWare:

0001-000000123 (air)
0001-000000123 (hotel)
0001-000000124 (air)
0001-000000123 (car)

The first two items for invoice 123 will store, but the car will not.

If you import a file with a deposit, and then a month later import a file with the final payment and the same invoice number, the final payment will not store.

If you do not select this option, the import process will not error on duplicate invoice numbers. If you import an invoice file twice, all valid invoice records will be stored twice in GlobalWare. Imported files are renamed to help prevent this. For more information, see GlobalWare Renames the Imported Files below.

Storing invoices in closed periods

You can indicate whether the import process should not store invoices dated in a closed accounting period. If selected, the import process reports these invoices in the validation report. If you are importing new data, this will ensure that data with incorrect dates are not imported.

Storing NOACCT and/or NOPROV

You can store NOACCT for invalid customers and report to IDs and NOPROV for invalid providers. If you do not select this option, the record will not store because customers and providers in an invoice must exist in the Account ID (AccountId) table.

Note: If you select these options, the validation reports will not record errors for invalid customers or providers.

Storing group data

You can import group passengers and segments. If you select this option and the group exists in the Group table:

GlobalWare renames the imported files

After GlobalWare finishes processing the import files, it automatically renames them to prevent accidental reprocessing. The renamed files have the same base names (IMPACCT, IMPINV, and COMTIMP), and the date and time when they were imported are appended to the names. For example:


GlobalWare does not delete or reuse the renamed files. If you no longer need the files, you can delete them.

If you need to reprocess a file that has been imported, rename the file to its original name (IMPACCT.DAT, IMPINV.DAT, or COMTIMP.TXT), and then use the Import Invoices function to process the file. See Import Invoices Procedure.