LowFareSearchReq (AirReqRsp.xsd)

Name Type Enumeration Values R/O Default Description
LowFareSearchReq element Low Fare Search request.
CheckOBFees string simple type Optional A flag to return fees for ticketing and for various forms of payment. The default is “TicketingOnly” and will return only ticketing fees. The value “All” will return ticketing fees and the applicable form of payment fees for the form of payment information specified in the request. “FOPOnly” will return the applicable form of payment fees for the form of payment information specified in the request. Form of payment fees are never included in the total unless specific card details are in the request.Provider notes:ACH - CheckOBFees is valid only for LowFareSearch. The valid values are “All”, “TicketingOnly” and “None” and the default value is “None”. 1P -The valid values are “All”, “None” and “TicketingOnly”.1G – All four values are supported.1V/RCH – CheckOBFees are not supported.”
EnablePointToPointAlternates boolean simple type Optional false Provider: 1G,1V,1P,ACH-Indicates that suggestions for alternate connection cities for low cost providers should be returned with the search.
EnablePointToPointSearch boolean simple type Optional false Provider: 1G,1V,1P,ACH-Indicates that low cost providers should be queried for top connection options and the results returned with the search.
FareInfoRules boolean simple type Optional false Returns ChangePenalty and CancelPenalty values at the FareInfo level. If FareRulesFilterCategory is sent FareRulesFilter will be returned at FareInfo level. Provider: 1G/1V.
IncludeFareInfoMessages boolean simple type Optional false Set to True to return FareInfoMessageList. Providers supported: 1G/1V/1P
MaxNumberOfExpertSolutions decimal simple type Optional 0 Provider: 1G,1V,1P,ACH-Indicates the Maximum Number of Expert Solutions to be returned from the Knowledge Base for the provided search criteria
MetaOptionIdentifier string simple type Optional Invoke Meta Search. Valid values are 00 to 99, or D for the default meta search configuration. When Meta Search not requested, normal LowFareSearch applies. Supported Providers; 1g/1v/1p
MostRestrictivePenalties boolean simple type Optional false Boolean flag used to request the MostRestrictivePenalties in the response
MultiGDSSearch boolean simple type Optional false A "true" value indicates MultiGDSSearch. Specific provisioning is required.
NSCC string simple type Optional 1 to 3 numeric that defines a Search Control Console filter.This attribute is used to override that filter.
PreferCompleteItinerary boolean simple type Optional true Provider: ACH-This attribute is only supported for ACH .It works in conjunction with the @SolutionResult flag
ReturnBrandedFares boolean simple type Optional true When ReturnBrandedFares is set to “false”, Rich Content and Branding will not be returned in the shop response. When ReturnBrandedFares it is set to “true” or is not sent, Rich Content and Branding will be returned in the shop response. Provider: 1P/ACH.
ReturnMM boolean simple type Optional false If this attribute is set to “true”, Fare Control Manager processing will be invoked.
ReturnUpsellFare boolean simple type Optional false When set to “true”, Upsell information will be returned in the shop response. Provider supported : 1G, 1V, 1P
SolutionResult boolean simple type Optional false Provider: 1G,1V,1P,ACH-Indicates whether the response will contain Solution result (AirPricingSolution) or Non Solution Result (AirPricingPoints). The default value is false. This attribute cannot be combined with EnablePointToPointSearch, EnablePointToPointAlternates and MaxNumberOfExpertSolutions.
AuthorizedBy string simple type Optional Used in showing who authorized the request. Use is optional.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
OverrideLogging string simple type TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARN , ERROR , FATAL Optional Use to override the default logging level
ReturnAmenities boolean simple type Optional false When set to true, Amenities information will be returned in the response.
ReturnSponsoredFlight boolean simple type Optional When set to true, Sponsored flight information will be returned in the response.
SponsoredFltTrnxId string simple type Optional Identifier for Sponsored Flight transaction information.
TargetBranch string simple type Optional Used for Emulation - If authorised will execute the request as if the agent's parent branch is the TargetBranch specified.
TokenId string simple type Optional Authentication Token ID used when running in statefull operation. Obtained from the LoginRsp. Use is optional.
TraceId string simple type Optional Unique identifier for this atomic transaction traced by the user. Use is optional.
PolicyReference string simple type Optional This attribute will be used to pass in a value on the request which would be used to link to a ‘Policy Group’ in a policy engine external to UAPI.
BillingPointOfSaleInfo element Point of Sale information for Billing
CIDBNumber integer simple type Optional A 10 Digit customer number generated by CIDB system.
OriginApplication string simple type Required Name of the Point of Sale application which initiated the Request.This information will be provided as part of the provisioning of the user.
AgentIDOverride element Vendor specific agent identifier overrides to be used to access vendor systems.
AgentID string simple type Required The Agent ID for the applicable supplier/vendor
ProviderCode string simple type Required Provider code to route the AgentId to proper provider.
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Supplier code to determine which vendor this AgentId belongs to.
TerminalSessionInfo string simple type Travelport use only. This element contains CDATA information representing existing GDS session data or ACH credentials information of the terminal user
NextResultReference element Container to return/send additional retrieve/request additional search results
ProviderCode string simple type Optional The code of the Provider (e.g 1G,1S)
SearchAirLeg element Search version of AirLeg used to specify search criteria
SearchOrigin typeSearchLocation complex type Search version of AirLeg used to specify search criteria
Airport element Airport identifier
Code string simple type Required
City element City identifier
Code string simple type Required
CityOrAirport element This element can be used when it is not known whether the value is an airport or a city code.
Code string simple type Required The airport or city IATA code.
PreferCity boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that the search should prefer city results over airport results.
CoordinateLocation element Specific lat/long location, usually associated with a Distance
latitude double simple type Required
longitude double simple type Required
RailLocation element RCH specific location code (a.k.a UCodes) which uniquely identifies a train station.
Code string simple type Required
Distance element Container to encapsulate the a distance value with its unit of measure.
Direction string simple type Optional Directions: S, N, E, W, SE, NW, ...
Units string simple type MI , KM Optional MI
Value decimal simple type Required
SearchDestination typeSearchLocation complex type
Airport element Airport identifier
Code string simple type Required
City element City identifier
Code string simple type Required
CityOrAirport element This element can be used when it is not known whether the value is an airport or a city code.
Code string simple type Required The airport or city IATA code.
PreferCity boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that the search should prefer city results over airport results.
CoordinateLocation element Specific lat/long location, usually associated with a Distance
latitude double simple type Required
longitude double simple type Required
RailLocation element RCH specific location code (a.k.a UCodes) which uniquely identifies a train station.
Code string simple type Required
Distance element Container to encapsulate the a distance value with its unit of measure.
Direction string simple type Optional Directions: S, N, E, W, SE, NW, ...
Units string simple type MI , KM Optional MI
Value decimal simple type Required
SearchDepTime typeFlexibleTimeSpec complex type
PreferredTime string simple type Optional Specifies a time that would be preferred within the time range specified.
TimeRange typeTimeRange complex type Specifies a time that would be preferred within the time range specified.
EarliestTime string simple type Required
LatestTime string simple type Required
SpecificTime typeSpecificTime complex type
Time string simple type Required
SearchExtraDays element Options to search for extra days on top of the specified date
DaysAfter long simple type Optional Number of days to search after the specified date
DaysBefore long simple type Optional Number of days to search before the specified date
SearchArvTime typeTimeSpec complex type Specifies the preferred time within the time range. For 1G, 1V, 1P, it is supported for AvailabilitySearchReq (TimeRange must also be specified) and not supported for LowFareSearchReq. ACH does not support search by arrival time.
PreferredTime string simple type Optional Specifies a time that would be preferred within the time range specified.
TimeRange typeTimeRange complex type Specifies a time that would be preferred within the time range specified.
EarliestTime string simple type Required
LatestTime string simple type Required
SpecificTime typeSpecificTime complex type
Time string simple type Required
AirLegModifiers element
AllowDirectAccess boolean simple type Optional false If it is true request will be sent directly to the carrier.
MaxConnectionTime decimal simple type Optional
MaxJourneyTime nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Maximum Journey Time for this leg (in hours) 0-99. Supported Providers 1G,1V.
OrderBy string simple type JourneyTime , DepartureTime , ArrivalTime Optional Indicates whether to sort by Journey Time, Deparature Time or Arrival Time
PreferNonStop boolean simple type Optional false When non-stops are preferred, the distribution of search results should skew heavily toward non-stop flights while still returning some one stop flights for comparison and price competitiveness. The search request will ‘boost' the preference towards non-stops. If true then Non Stop flights will be preferred.
ProhibitMultiAirportConnection boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether to restrict multi-airport connections
ProhibitOvernightLayovers boolean simple type Optional false If true, excludes connections if arrival time of first flight and departure time of second flight is on 2 different calendar days. When used in conjunction with MaxConnectionTime, it would exclude all connections if the connecting flights wait time exceeds the time specified in MaxConnectionTime.
ReturnFirstAvailableOnly boolean simple type Optional If it is true then it will search for first available for the booking code designated or any booking code in same cabin.
PermittedCabins element If it is true then it will search for first available for the booking code designated or any booking code in same cabin.
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
PreferredCabins element
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
PermittedCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
ProhibitedCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
PreferredCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
PermittedConnectionPoints element This is the container to specify all permitted connection points. Applicable for 1G/1V/1P.
ConnectionPoint typeLocation complex type A connection point can be eith an IATA airport or cir city code.
Airport element Airport identifier
Code string simple type Required
City element City identifier
Code string simple type Required
CityOrAirport element This element can be used when it is not known whether the value is an airport or a city code.
Code string simple type Required The airport or city IATA code.
PreferCity boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that the search should prefer city results over airport results.
ProhibitedConnectionPoints element This is the container to specify all prohibited connection points. Applicable for 1G/1V/1P.
ConnectionPoint typeLocation complex type A connection point can be eith an IATA airport or cir city code.
Airport element Airport identifier
Code string simple type Required
City element City identifier
Code string simple type Required
CityOrAirport element This element can be used when it is not known whether the value is an airport or a city code.
Code string simple type Required The airport or city IATA code.
PreferCity boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that the search should prefer city results over airport results.
PreferredConnectionPoints element This is the container to specify all preferred connection points. Applicable for 1G/1V only.
ConnectionPoint typeLocation complex type A connection point can be eith an IATA airport or cir city code.
Airport element Airport identifier
Code string simple type Required
City element City identifier
Code string simple type Required
CityOrAirport element This element can be used when it is not known whether the value is an airport or a city code.
Code string simple type Required The airport or city IATA code.
PreferCity boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that the search should prefer city results over airport results.
PermittedBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all permitted booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
PreferredBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all preferred booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
PreferredAlliances element
Alliance element Alliance Code
Code string simple type Required The possible values are *A for Star Alliance,*O for One world,*S for Sky team etc.
ProhibitedBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all prohibited booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
DisfavoredAlliances element
Alliance element Alliance Code
Code string simple type Required The possible values are *A for Star Alliance,*O for One world,*S for Sky team etc.
FlightType element Modifier to request flight type options example non-stop only, non-stop and direct only, include single online connection etc.
DoubleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
DoubleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
MaxConnections integer simple type Optional -1 The maximum number of connections within a segment group.
MaxStops integer simple type Optional -1 The maximum number of stops within a connection.
NonStopDirects boolean simple type Optional
RequireSingleCarrier boolean simple type Optional false
SingleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
SingleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
StopDirects boolean simple type Optional
TripleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
TripleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
AnchorFlightData typeAnchorFlightData complex type
AirlineCode string simple type Required Indicates Anchor flight carrier code
ConnectionIndicator boolean simple type Optional Indicates that the Anchor flight has any connecting flight or not
FlightNumber string simple type Required Indicates Anchor flight number
SearchSpecificAirSegment element Indicates Anchor flight number
Carrier string simple type Required The carrier that is marketing this segment
DepartureTime string simple type Required The date and time at which this entity departs. This does not include time zone information since it can be derived from the origin location.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
FlightNumber string simple type Required The flight number under which the marketing carrier is marketing this flight
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this segment connected to.
AirSearchModifiers element Controls and switches for the Air Search request
AllowChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional true
DistanceType string simple type MI , KM Optional MI
ExcludeGroundTransportation boolean simple type Optional false Indicates whether to allow the user to exclude ground transportation or not. Default value is 'false'. If value is true then ground transportations are excluded. If false then ground transportations are included. The supported providers: 1P
ExcludeOpenJawAirport boolean simple type Optional false This option ensures that travel into/out of each location will be into/out of the same airport of that location. Values are true or false. Default value is 'false'. If value is true then open jaws are exclude. If false the open jaws are included. The supported providers: 1P
IncludeExtraSolutions boolean simple type Optional If true, indicates that search should be made for returning more solutions, if available. For example, for certain providers, premium members may have the facility to get more solutions. This attribute may have to be combined with other applicable modifiers (like SearchWeekends) to return more results.
IncludeFlightDetails boolean simple type Optional true
JetServiceOnly boolean simple type Optional Restricts results to Jet service flights only.
MaxConnectionTime decimal simple type Optional The maximum anount of time (in minutes) that a solution can contain for connections between flights.
MaxJourneyTime nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Maximum Journey Time for all legs (in hours) 0-99. For LFS Supported Providers are 1G,1V,1P. For AirAvail Supported Providers are 1G,1V.
MaxSolutions decimal simple type Optional The maximum number of solutions to return. Decreasing this number
OrderBy string simple type JourneyTime , DepartureTime , ArrivalTime Optional Indicates whether to sort by Journey Time, Deparature Time or Arrival Time. Applicable to air availability only.
PreferNonStop boolean simple type Optional false When non-stops are preferred, the distribution of search results should skew heavily toward non-stop flights while still returning some one stop flights for comparison and price competitiveness. The search request will ‘boost' the preference towards non-stops. If true then Non Stop flights will be preferred.
ProhibitMultiAirportConnection boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether to restrict multi-airport connections
ProhibitOvernightLayovers boolean simple type Optional false If true, excludes connections if arrival time of first flight and departure time of second flight is on 2 different calendar days. When used in conjunction with MaxConnectionTime, it would exclude all connections if the connecting flights wait time exceeds the time specified in MaxConnectionTime.
SearchWeekends boolean simple type Optional A value of true indicates that search should be expanded to include weekend combinations, if applicable.
DisfavoredProviders element A value of true indicates that search should be expanded to include weekend combinations, if applicable.
Provider element Provider identifier
Code string simple type Required
PreferredProviders element
Provider element Provider identifier
Code string simple type Required
DisfavoredCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
PermittedCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
ProhibitedCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
PreferredCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
ProhibitedValidatingCarriers element
Carrier element Carrier identifier
Code string simple type Required
PermittedCabins element
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
PreferredCabins element
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
PreferredAlliances element
Alliance element Alliance Code
Code string simple type Required The possible values are *A for Star Alliance,*O for One world,*S for Sky team etc.
DisfavoredAlliances element The possible values are *A for Star Alliance,*O for One world,*S for Sky team etc.
Alliance element Alliance Code
Code string simple type Required The possible values are *A for Star Alliance,*O for One world,*S for Sky team etc.
PermittedBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all permitted booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
PreferredBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all preferred booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
ProhibitedBookingCodes element This is the container to specify all prohibited booking codes
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
FlightType element Modifier to request flight type options example non-stop only, non-stop and direct only, include single online connection etc.
DoubleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
DoubleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
MaxConnections integer simple type Optional -1 The maximum number of connections within a segment group.
MaxStops integer simple type Optional -1 The maximum number of stops within a connection.
NonStopDirects boolean simple type Optional
RequireSingleCarrier boolean simple type Optional false
SingleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
SingleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
StopDirects boolean simple type Optional
TripleInterlineCon boolean simple type Optional
TripleOnlineCon boolean simple type Optional
MaxLayoverDuration MaxLayoverDurationType complex type This is the maximum duration the layover may have for each trip in the request. Supported providers 1P.
Domestic integer simple type Optional It will be applied for all Domestic-to-Domestic connections.
Gateway integer simple type Optional It will be applied for all Domestic to International and International to Domestic connections.
International integer simple type Optional It will be applied for all International-to-International connections.
NativeSearchModifier typeNativeSearchModifier complex type Container for Native command modifiers. Providers supported : 1P
ProviderCode string simple type Required The host for which the NativeModfier being added to
SplitTicketingSearch element SplitTicketingSearch is optional. Used to return both One-Way and Roundtrip fares in a single search response. Applicable to 1G, 1V, 1P only, the price points results path, and a simple roundtrip search only. Cannot be used in combination with Flex options.
RoundTrip decimal simple type Optional Percentage of Roundtrip price points to be returned in the search response. This should be an even number. The One-Way price points returned in the response would be evenly distributed between the outbound and the inbound.
JourneyData element Performs journey aware air availability
AirSegment typeBaseAirSegment complex type An Air marketable travel segment.
Key string simple type Required
Passive boolean simple type Optional
ProviderSegmentOrder integer simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel/Rail segments/reservations in the provider reservation.
Status string simple type Optional Status of this segment.
TravelOrder decimal simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel segments/reservations based on travel dates. This ordering is applicable across the UR not provider or traveler specific
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
APISRequirementsRef string simple type Optional Reference to the APIS Requirements for this AirSegment.
AvailabilitySource string simple type Optional Indicates Availability source of AirSegment.
BlackListed boolean simple type Optional Indicates blacklisted carriers which are banned from servicing points to, from and within the European Community.
BookingDate date simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. The date the booking was made. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
BrandIndicator string simple type Optional Value “B” specifies that the carrier supports Rich Content and Branding. The Brand Indicator is only returned in the availability search response. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
Carrier string simple type Optional The carrier that is marketing this segment
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ClassOfService string simple type Optional
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional Identifies if this particular segment is E-Ticketable
Equipment string simple type Optional Identifies the equipment that this segment is operating under.
FlightNumber string simple type Optional The flight number under which the marketing carrier is marketing this flight
FlownSegment boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment has been flown. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Group long simple type Required The Origin Destination Grouping of this segment.
GuaranteedPaymentCarrier string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
MarriageGroup long simple type Optional Identifies this segment as being a married segment. It is paired with other segments of the same value.
NumberInParty positiveInteger simple type Optional Number of person traveling in this air segment excluding the number of infants on lap.
NumberOfStops long simple type Optional Identifies the number of stops for each within the segment.
OpenSegment boolean simple type Optional Indicates OpenSegment when True
OperationalStatus string simple type Optional Refers to the flight operational status for the segment. This attribute will only be returned in the AvailabilitySearchRsp and not used/returned in any other request/responses. If this attribute is not returned back in the response, it means the flight is operational and not past scheduled departure.
OptionalServicesIndicator boolean simple type Optional Indicates true if flight provides optional services.
PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
ProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Coach number for which rail seatmap/coachmap is returned.
ScheduleChange boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment had a schedule change by the carrier. This tells rapid reprice that the change in the air segment was involuntary and because of a schedule change, not because the user is changing the segment. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Seamless boolean simple type Optional Identifies that this segment was sold via a direct access channel to the marketing carrier.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
AvailabilityDisplayType string simple type Optional The type of availability from which the segment is sold.Possible Values (List): G - General S - Flight Specific L - Carrier Specific/Direct Access M - Manual Sell F - Fare Shop/Optimal Shop Q - Fare Specific Fare Quote unbooked R - Redemption Availability used to complete the sell. Supported Providers: 1G,1V.
LinkAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has link (carrier specific) display option.
ParticipantLevel string simple type Optional Type of sell agreement between host and link carrier.
PolledAvailabilityOption string simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has Inside (polled)Availability option.
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
SegmentRemark element A textual remark container to hold any printable text. (max 512 chars)
Key string simple type Required
SponsoredFltInfo element This describes whether the segment is determined to be a sponsored flight. The SponsoredFltInfo node will only come back for Travelport UIs and not for other customers.
FltKey string simple type Required The unique identifying key for the sponsored flight.
NeutralLNB integer simple type Required The neutral line number for the flight item.
SponsoredLNB integer simple type Required The line number of the sponsored flight item
CodeshareInfo element Describes the codeshare disclosure (simple text string) or the specific operating flight information (as attributes).
OperatingCarrier string simple type Optional The actual carrier that is operating the flight.
OperatingFlightNumber string simple type Optional The actual flight number of the carrier that is operating the flight.
AirAvailInfo element Matches class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
BookingCodeInfo element Details Cabin class info and class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results and grouped by Cabin class
BookingCounts string simple type Optional Lists class of service and their counts for specific cabin class
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
FareTokenInfo element Associates Fare with HostToken
FareInfoRef string simple type Required
HostTokenRef string simple type Required
FlightDetails element Specific details within a flight segment.
AutomatedCheckin boolean simple type Optional false “True” indicates that the flight allows automated check-in. The default is “False”.
DestinationTerminal string simple type Optional
Equipment string simple type Optional
GroundTime decimal simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
OnTimePerformance decimal simple type Optional Represents flight on time performance as a percentage from 0 to 100
OriginTerminal string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Meals typeMealService simple type Available Meal Service.
InFlightServices string simple type Available InFlight Services. They are: 'Movie', 'Telephone', 'Telex', 'AudioProgramming', 'Television' ,'ResvBookingService' ,'DutyFreeSales' ,'Smoking' ,'NonSmoking' ,'ShortFeatureVideo' ,'NoDutyFree' ,'InSeatPowerSource' ,'InternetAccess' ,'Email' ,'Library' ,'LieFlatSeat' ,'Additional service(s) exists' ,'WiFi' ,'Lie-Flat seat first' ,'Lie-Flat seat business' ,'Lie-Flat seat premium economy' ,'Amenities subject to change' etc.. These follow the IATA standard. Please see the IATA standards for a more complete list.
FlightDetailsRef element Reference to a complete FlightDetails from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
AlternateLocationDistanceRef element Reference to a AlternateLocationDistance
Key string simple type Required
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
SellMessage string simple type Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
RailCoachDetails element Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
AvailableRailSeats string simple type Optional Number of available seats present in this rail coach.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Rail coach number for the returned coach details.
RailSeatMapAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if seats are available in this rail coach which can be mapped.
SearchPassenger element Passenger type with code and optional age information
AccompaniedPassenger boolean simple type Optional false Container to identify accompanied passenger. Set true means this passenger is accompanied
Age decimal simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional This value should be set for Multiple Passengers in the request.
Code string simple type Required The 3-char IATA passenger type code
DOB date simple type Optional Passenger Date of Birth
Gender string simple type Optional The passenger gender type
PricePTCOnly boolean simple type Optional
ResidencyType string simple type Employee , National , Resident Optional The passenger residence type.
Key string simple type Optional
Name element Complete name fields
First string simple type Required First Name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Last string simple type Required Last Name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Middle string simple type Optional Midle name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Prefix string simple type Optional Name prefix. Size can be up to 20 characters
Suffix string simple type Optional Name suffix. Size can be up to 256 characters
TravelerProfileId integer simple type Optional Traveler Applied Profile ID.
LoyaltyCard element Provider loyalty card information
CardNumber string simple type Required
FreeText string simple type Optional
Level string simple type Optional
MembershipStatus string simple type Optional
PriorityCode string simple type Optional
Status string simple type Optional
SupplierType string simple type Air , Vehicle , Hotel , Rail , Cruise , Other Optional
VendorLocationRef string simple type Optional
AllianceLevel string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
MembershipProgram string simple type Optional Loyalty Program membership Id of the traveler specific to Amtrak(2V) Guest Rewards
SupplierCode string simple type Required The code used to identify the Loyalty supplier, e.g. AA, ZE, MC
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationSpecificInfo typeProviderReservationSpecificInfo complex type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at ProviderReservation level.
ReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at Universal Record Reservation level e.g. Hotel Reservation, Vehicle Reservation etc.
OperatedBy element This is the carrier code to support Cross Accrual
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
DiscountCard element Rail Discount Card Information
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Number string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PersonalGeography element Personal geography details of the associated passenger.
CountryCode typeCountry simple type Passenger country code.
StateProvinceCode typeState simple type Passenger state/province code.
CityCode typeCity simple type Passenger city code.
AirPricingModifiers element Controls and switches for a Air Search request that contains Pricing Information
AccountCodeFaresOnly boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether or not the private fares returned should be restricted to only those specific to the input account code and contract code.
ChannelId string simple type Optional A Channel ID is 2 to 4 alpha-numeric characters used to activate the Search Control Console filter for a specific group of travelers being served by the agency credential.
CurrencyType string simple type Optional
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional Request a search based on whether only E-ticketable fares are required.
FaresIndicator string simple type PublicFaresOnly , PrivateFaresOnly , AgencyPrivateFaresOnly , AirlinePrivateFaresOnly , PublicAndPrivateFares , NetFaresOnly , AllFares Optional Indicates whether only public fares should be returned or specific type of private fares
FiledCurrency string simple type Optional Currency in which Fares/Prices will be filed if supported by the supplier else approximated to.
ForceSegmentSelect boolean simple type Optional false This indicator allows agent to force segment select option in host while selecting all air segments to store price on a PNR. This is relevent only when agent selects all air segmnets to price. if agent selects specific segments to price then this attribute will be ignored by the system. This is currently used by Worldspan only.
InventoryRequestType string simple type Seamless , DirectAccess , Basic Optional This allows user to make request for a particular source of inventory for pricing modifier purposes.
Key string simple type Optional
OneWayShop boolean simple type Optional false Via this attribute one way shop can be requested. Applicable provider is 1G
OverrideCarrier string simple type Optional The Plating Carrier for this journey.
PlatingCarrier string simple type Optional The Plating Carrier for this journey.
ProhibitAdvancePurchaseFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitMaxStayFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitMinStayFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitNonExchangeableFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitNonRefundableFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitRestrictedFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes boolean simple type Optional A "True" value wiill remove fares with EOU and ERU fare types from consideration. A "False" value is the same as no value. Default is no value. Applicable providers: 1P/1G/1V
ReturnFailedSegments boolean simple type Optional false If "true", returns failed segments information.
ReturnFareAttributes boolean simple type Optional false Returns attributes that are associated to a fare
ReturnServices boolean simple type Optional false When set to false, ATPCO filed Optional Services will not be returned. Default is false. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
SellCheck boolean simple type Optional false Checks if the segment is bookable before pricing
SellCity string simple type Optional City Code identifying where the ticket is to be sold.
TicketingCity string simple type Optional City Code identifying where the ticket will be issued.
ProhibitedRuleCategories element City Code identifying where the ticket will be issued.
FareRuleCategory element Rule Categories to filter on.
Category integer simple type Required
AccountCodes element
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
PermittedCabins element
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
ContractCodes element
ContractCode element Some private fares (non-ATPCO) are secured to a contract code.
Code string simple type Required The 1-64 character string which uniquely identifies a Contract.
CompanyName string simple type Optional Providers supported : ACH
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ExemptTaxes element Request tax exemption for specific tax category and/or all taxes of a specific country
AllTaxes boolean simple type Optional Request exemption of all taxes.
CompanyName string simple type Optional The federal government body name must be provided in this element. This field is required by AC
TaxTerritory string simple type Optional exemption is achieved by sending in the TaxTerritory in the tax exempt price request.
CountryCode typeCountry simple type Specify ISO country code for which tax exemption is requested.
TaxCategory string simple type Specify tax category for which tax exemption is requested.
PenaltyFareInformation element Specify tax category for which tax exemption is requested.
ProhibitPenaltyFares boolean simple type Required Indicates whether user wants penalty fares to be returned.
PenaltyInfo typeFarePenalty complex type Penalty Limit if requested.
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
DiscountCard element Rail Discount Card Information
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Number string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PromoCodes element If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PromoCode element A container to specify Promotional code with Provider code and Supplier code.
Code string simple type Required To be used to specify Promotional Code.
ProviderCode string simple type Required To be used to specify Provider Code.
SupplierCode string simple type Required To be used to specify Supplier Code.
ManualFareAdjustment element To be used to specify Supplier Code.
AdjustmentType string simple type Amount , Percentage Required Represents process used for applying manual discount/increment. Presently supported values are Flat, Percentage.
AppliedOn string simple type Base , Total , Other Required Represents pricing component upon which manual increment/discount to be applied. Presently supported values are Base and Total. Other is present as a future place holder but presently no request processing logic is available for value Other
FareType string simple type Optional Providers: 1p
PassengerRef string simple type Optional Represents passenger association.
TicketDesignator string simple type Optional Providers: 1p
Value decimal simple type Required Represents value of increment/discount applied. Negative value is considered as discount whereas positive value represents increment
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
BrandModifiers element Used to specify the level of branding requested.
FareFamilyDisplay element Used to request a fare family display.
ModifierType string simple type Required "FareFamily" returns the lowest branded fares in a fare family. "MaintainBookingCode" attempts to return the lowest branded fare in a fare family display based on the permitted booking code. Any brand that does not have a fare for the permitted booking code will then have the lowest fare returned. "LowestFareInBrand" returns the lowest fare within each branded fare in a fare family display.
BasicDetailsOnly element Used to request basic details of the brand.
ReturnBasicDetails boolean simple type Required
MultiGDSSearchIndicator element Indicates whether public fares and/or private fares should be returned.
DefaultProvider boolean simple type Optional Use the value “true” if the provider is the default (primary) provider. Use the value “false” if the provider is the alternate (secondary). Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
PrivateFareCode string simple type Optional The code of the corporate private fare. This is the same as an account code. Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
PrivateFareCodeOnly boolean simple type Optional : Indicates whether or not the private fares returned should be restricted to only those specific to the PrivateFareCode in the previous attribute. This has the same validation as the AccountCodeFaresOnly attribute. Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional Indicates whether only public fares or both public and private fares should be returned or a specific type of private fares. Examples of valid values are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, AirlinePrivateFaresOnly, AgencyPrivateFaresOnly, PublicandPrivateFares, and NetFaresOnly.
PreferredCabins element Indicates whether only public fares or both public and private fares should be returned or a specific type of private fares. Examples of valid values are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, AirlinePrivateFaresOnly, AgencyPrivateFaresOnly, PublicandPrivateFares, and NetFaresOnly.
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
Enumeration element Provides the capability to group the results into differnt trip type and diversification strategies.
SolutionGroup element Specifies the trip type and diversity of all or a subset of the result solutions.
Count decimal simple type Optional The number of solution to include in this group. If only one group specified, this can be left blank. If multiple groups specified, all counts must add up to the MaxResults of the request.
Diversification string simple type Blend , Airports , Carrier , Origin , Destination , DateCombination , FirstODDate , SecondODDate , FirstOD , SecondOD Optional Specifies the diversification of this group of results, if specified. Allows targeting a result set to ensure they contain more unique results.
Primary boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that this is a primary SolutionGroup when using alternate pricing concepts
Tag string simple type Optional An arbitrary name for this group of solutions. Will be returned with the solution for idetification.
TripType string simple type Cheapest , Quickest , MostConvenient , Leisure , Business , Luxury , PreferFirst , BusinessOrFirst , NoPenalty Required Specifies the trip type for this group of results. Allows targeting a result set to a particular set of characterists.
PermittedAccountCodes element Specifies the trip type for this group of results. Allows targeting a result set to a particular set of characterists.
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
PreferredAccountCodes element
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ProhibitedAccountCodes element
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
PermittedPointOfSales element
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
ProhibitedPointOfSales element The PCC in the host system.
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
AirExchangeModifiers element Provides controls and switches for the Exchange process
AccountCode string simple type Optional
AllowPenaltyFares boolean simple type Optional true
BookingDate string simple type Optional
PrivateFaresOnly boolean simple type Optional false
ProviderCode string simple type Optional To be used with ProviderLocatorCode, which host the reservation being added to belongs to.
ProviderLocatorCode string simple type Optional Which Provider reservation does this reservation get added to.
TicketDesignator string simple type Optional
TicketingDate string simple type Optional
UniversalRecordLocatorCode string simple type Optional Which UniversalRecord should this new reservation be applied to. If blank, then a new one is created.
ContractCodes element Which UniversalRecord should this new reservation be applied to. If blank, then a new one is created.
ContractCode element Some private fares (non-ATPCO) are secured to a contract code.
Code string simple type Required The 1-64 character string which uniquely identifies a Contract.
CompanyName string simple type Optional Providers supported : ACH
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
FlexExploreModifiers element This is the container for a set of modifiers which allow the user to perform a special kind of low fare search, depicted as flex explore, based on different parameters like Area, Zone, Country, State, Specific locations, Distance around the actual destination of the itinerary. Applicable for providers 1G,1V,1P
GroupName string simple type Optional Group name for a set of destinations to be searched. Use with Type=Group. Group names are defined in the Search Control Console. Supported Providers: 1G/1V/1P
Radius decimal simple type Optional Radius around the destination of actual itinerary in which the search would be performed. Supported only with types - DistanceInMiles and DistanceInKilometers
Type string simple type AnyWhere , Area , Zone , Country , State , DistanceInMiles , DistanceInKilometers , Destination , Group Required Type of flex explore to be performed
Destination typeIATACode simple type List of specific destinations for performing flex explore. Applicable only with flex explore type - Destination
PCC element Specify pseudo City
OverridePCC element Used to emulate to another PCC or SID. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P.
ProviderCode string simple type Required The code of the provider (e.g. 1G, 1S)
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
TicketAgency element This modifier will override the pseudo of the ticketing agency found in the AAT (TKAG). Used for all plating carrier validation.
ProviderCode anySimpleType simple type Required The code of the Provider (e.g. 1G, 1P)
PseudoCityCode anySimpleType simple type Required The PCC of the host system.
FareRulesFilterCategory element Fare Rules Filter if requested will return rules for requested category in the response. Applicable for providers 1G,1V,1P.
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional This tells if Low Fare Finder was used.
CategoryCode string simple type Fare Rules Filter category can be requested. Currently only '˜MIN, MAX, ADV, CHG, OTH' is supported. Applicable for Providers 1G,1V,1P.
FormOfPayment element A Form of Payment used to purchase all or part of a booking.
AgentText string simple type Optional This is only relevent when IsAgentType is specified as true. Otherwise this will be ignored.
ExternalReference string simple type Optional
FulfillmentIDNumber string simple type Optional Identification number, e.g. card number, to define how the customer will identify himself when collecting the ticket
FulfillmentIDType string simple type Bahn Card , Credit Card , Euro Cheque Card , Collection Reference Optional Identification type, e.g. credit card, to define how the customer will identify himself when collecting the ticket
FulfillmentLocation string simple type Optional Information about the location of the printer.
FulfillmentType string simple type Optional Defines how the client wishes to receive travel documents. Type does not define where or how payment is made. The supported values are "Ticket on Departure", "Travel Agency", "Courier", "Standard Mail", "Ticketless", "Ticket Office", "Express Mail", "Corporate Kiosk", "Train Station Service Desk", "Direct Printing of Ticket", "Ticket by Email", "Digital Printing of Ticket at Home", "Retrieve Ticket at Eurostar in London" Collect booking ticket at a Kiosk, print in agency.
IsAgentType boolean simple type Optional false If this is true then FormOfPayment mention in Type is anAgent type FormOfPayment.
Key string simple type Optional
ProfileID string simple type Optional The unique ID of the profile that contains the payment details to use.
ProfileKey string simple type Optional The Key assigned to the payment details value from the specified profile.
Reusable boolean simple type Optional false Indicates whether the form of payment can be reused or not. Currently applicable for Credit and Debit form of payment
ReuseFOP string simple type Optional Key of the FOP Key to be reused as this Form of Payment.Only Credit and Debit Card will be supported for FOP Reuse.
Type string simple type Required
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
CreditCard element Container for all credit card information.
AcceptanceOverride boolean simple type Optional Override airline restriction on the credit card.
BankCountryCode string simple type Optional ISO Country code associated with the issuing bank
BankName string simple type Optional Issuing bank name for this credit card
BankStateCode string simple type Optional State code associated with the issuing bank.
CustomerReference string simple type Optional Agencies use this to pass the traveler information to the credit card company.
Enett boolean simple type Optional false Acceptable values are true or false. If set to true it will denote that the credit card used has been issued through Enett. For all other credit card payments this value will be set to false.
ExtendedPayment string simple type Optional Used for American Express (AX) and other credit cards, e.g., Visa (VI) and Master card (CA), that allow Extended Payment, subject to the BSP market rule.
ThirdPartyPayment boolean simple type Optional false If true, this indicates that the credit card holder is not one of the passengers.
ApprovalCode string simple type Optional This code is required for an authorization process from the Credit Card company directly,required for some of the CCH carriers.This attribute is also used for EMD retrieve and issuance transactions.
CVV string simple type Optional Card Verification Code
ExpDate gYearMonth simple type Optional The Expiration date of this card in YYYY-MM format.
Name string simple type Optional The name as it appears on the card.
Number string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional The 2 letter credit/ debit card type.
Key string simple type Optional The Key assigned to the payment details value from the specified profile.
ProfileID string simple type Optional The unique ID of the profile that contains the payment details to use.
PhoneNumber element Consists of type (office, home, fax), location (city code), the country code, the number, and an extension.
AreaCode string simple type Optional
CountryCode string simple type Optional Hosts/providers will expect this to be international dialing digits
Extension string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Location string simple type Optional IATA code for airport or city
Number string simple type Required The local phone number
Text string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Agency , Business , Mobile , Home , Fax , Hotel , Other , None , Email , Reservations Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
BillingAddress typeStructuredAddress complex type The address to where the billing statements for this card are sent. Used for address verification purposes.
Key string simple type Optional Key for update/delete of the element
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
AddressName anonymous simple type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Street anonymous simple type The Address street and number, e.g. 105 Main St.
City anonymous simple type The city name for the requested address, e.g. Atlanta.
State element Container to house the state code for an address
PostalCode anonymous simple type The 5-15 alphanumeric postal Code for the requested address, e.g. 90210.
Country anonymous simple type The Full country name or two letter ISO country code e.g. US, France. A two letter country code is required for a Postal Code Searches.
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
DebitCard element Container for all debit card information.
ApprovalCode string simple type Optional This code is required for an authorization process from the Credit Card company directly,required for some of the CCH carriers.This attribute is also used for EMD retrieve and issuance transactions.
CVV string simple type Optional Card Verification Code
ExpDate gYearMonth simple type Optional The Expiration date of this card in YYYY-MM format.
Name string simple type Optional The name as it appears on the card.
Number string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional The 2 letter credit/ debit card type.
IssueNumber string simple type Optional Verification number for Debit Cards
Key string simple type Optional The Key assigned to the payment details value from the specified profile.
ProfileID string simple type Optional The unique ID of the profile that contains the payment details to use.
PhoneNumber element Consists of type (office, home, fax), location (city code), the country code, the number, and an extension.
AreaCode string simple type Optional
CountryCode string simple type Optional Hosts/providers will expect this to be international dialing digits
Extension string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Location string simple type Optional IATA code for airport or city
Number string simple type Required The local phone number
Text string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Agency , Business , Mobile , Home , Fax , Hotel , Other , None , Email , Reservations Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
BillingAddress typeStructuredAddress complex type The address to where the billing statements for this card are sent. Used for address verification purposes.
Key string simple type Optional Key for update/delete of the element
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
AddressName anonymous simple type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Street anonymous simple type The Address street and number, e.g. 105 Main St.
City anonymous simple type The city name for the requested address, e.g. Atlanta.
State element Container to house the state code for an address
PostalCode anonymous simple type The 5-15 alphanumeric postal Code for the requested address, e.g. 90210.
Country anonymous simple type The Full country name or two letter ISO country code e.g. US, France. A two letter country code is required for a Postal Code Searches.
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
EnettVan element Container for all eNett Van information.
ExpiryDays duration simple type Optional The number of days from the VAN generation date that the VAN will be active for, after which the VAN cannot be used.
MaxPercentage nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional The maximum percentage that will be applied on the Total price and sent to enett, which will denote the maximum authorized amount as approved by eNett. This value will be ignored and not used for Multi-Use VAN’s.
MinPercentage nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional The minimum percentage that will be applied on the Total price and sent to enett,which will denote the minimum authorized amount approved by eNett.uApi will default this to zero for multi-use Van's.
MultiUse boolean simple type Optional true Acceptable values are true or false. If set to true it will denote that the VAN being requested is multi-use else it will indicate a single -use VAN.A Single use VAN can only be debited once while the multiple use VAN's can be debited multiple times subjected to the maximum value it has been authorized for. The default value will be TRUE to indicate a multi-use VAN is being issued.
Certificate element Certificate Form of Payment
Amount string simple type Optional The monetary value of the certificate.
DiscountAmount string simple type Optional The monetary discount amount of this certificate.
DiscountPercentage decimal simple type Optional The percentage discount value of this certificate.
NotValidAfter date simple type Optional The date that this certificate expires.
NotValidBefore date simple type Optional The date that this certificate becomes valid.
Number string simple type Required The Certificate number
TicketNumber StringLength1to13 simple type The identifying number for the actual ticket
Check element Check Form of Payment
AccountNumber string simple type Optional The account number of the check
CheckNumber string simple type Optional The sequential check number of the check.
MICRNumber string simple type Optional Magnetic Ink Character Reader Number of check.
RoutingNumber string simple type Optional The bank routing number of the check.
Requisition element Requisition Form of Payment
Category string simple type Government , Other Optional Classification Category for the requisition payment
Number string simple type Optional Requisition number used for accounting
Type string simple type Cash , Credit Optional Type can be Cash or Credit for category as Government
MiscFormOfPayment element Miscellaneous Form of Payments
AcceptanceOverride boolean simple type Optional Override airline restriction on the credit card.
Category string simple type Required Indicates what Category the Miscellaneous Form Of Payment is being used for payment - The category may vary by GDS.Allowable values are "Text" "Credit" "CreditCard" "FreeFormCreditCard" "Invoice" "NonRefundable" "MultipleReceivables" "Exchange" "Cash"
CreditCardNumber string simple type Optional
CreditCardType string simple type Optional The 2 letter credit/ debit card type or code which may not have been issued using the standard bank card types - i.e. an airline issued card
ExpDate gYearMonth simple type Optional The Expiration date of this card in YYYY-MM format.
Text string simple type Optional Any free form text which may be associated with the Miscellaneous Form of Payment. This text may be provider or GDS specific
AgencyPayment typeAgencyPayment complex type Container for Agency Payment
AgencyBillingIdentifier string simple type Required Value of the billing id
AgencyBillingNumber string simple type Optional Value of billing number
AgencyBillingPassword string simple type Optional Value of billing password
UnitedNations element United Nations Form of Payments
Number string simple type Required
DirectPayment element Direct Payment Form of Payments
Text string simple type Optional
AgentVoucher element Agent Voucher Form of Payments
Number string simple type Required
PaymentAdvice element Contains other form of payment for Cruise Reservations
DocumentNumber string simple type Required Payment Document Number Examples: 1234567890, R7777
IssueCity string simple type Required City code of document issuance
IssueDate date simple type Required Document Issuance date
OriginalFOP string simple type Optional Original form of payment Examples: CHECK 3500
Type string simple type Required Other Payment Yype. Possible Values: AGC - Agency Check, AGG - Agency Guarantee, AWC - Award Check, CSH - Cash Equivalent, DBC - Denied Boarding Compensation, MCO - Miscellaneous Charge Order, TOO - Tour Order, TOV - Tour Voucher
ProviderReservationInfoRef typeFormOfPaymentPNRReference complex type Other Payment Yype. Possible Values: AGC - Agency Check, AGG - Agency Guarantee, AWC - Award Check, CSH - Cash Equivalent, DBC - Denied Boarding Compensation, MCO - Miscellaneous Charge Order, TOO - Tour Order, TOV - Tour Voucher
Key string simple type Optional Unique ID to identify a ProviderReservationInfo
ProviderReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional true It means that the form of payment is applied at ProviderReservation level.
SegmentRef typeGeneralReference complex type It means that the form of payment is applied at ProviderReservation level.
Key string simple type Required
BSPPayment element BSP form of payment.ACH Only
BSPIdentifier string simple type Required Value of the BSP Direct Bill id
BSPPassword string simple type Optional Value of the BSP Direct Bill id password
ARCPayment element ARC form of payment.ACH Only
ARCIdentifier string simple type Required Value of the ARC Direct Bill id
ARCPassword string simple type Optional Value of the ARC Direct Bill id password