Test Your Plug-in
As unsigned plug-ins cannot be run in production, Smartpoint has a developer mode, called test harness mode, that is used to test plug-ins during development.
Access test harness mode
Smartpoint has a test harness mode that allows you to test unsigned plug-ins within the application.
- Open the user.config file located at %appdata%\Travelport\Travelport.Smartpoint\.
- Change the value of the setting named TestHarnessMode to true. Search for the word Test to quickly find this setting.
- Save the file.
To exit test harness mode, modify the user.config file so that the TestHarnessMode is set to false.
Load your plug-in
The easiest way to load your plug-ins is to duplicate the default Smartpoint plug-in location file and modify your personal copy of this file to point to the location of your local plug-ins. Another plus of loading plug-ins in this manner is that your plug-ins will remain if Smartpoint is reinstalled, as Smartpoint installation overwrites the default plug-in location folder.
Navigate to your plug-ins folder.
- For Smartpoint 7.2 and later, if Marketplace is enabled, plug-ins are read from AppData\Roaming\Travelport\Smartpoint\Core\PluginLocations.
- For Smartpoint 7.1 and earlier or for Smartpoint 7.2 when Marketplace is disabled, plug-ins are read from C:\Program Files (x86)\Travelport\Smartpoint\pluginLocations.
Look for the default.xml file; this file is required and tells Smartpoint the plug-in locations.
Make a copy of the default.xml file.
Rename the copied file (e.g., Myplug-ins.xml).
Open the copied version of the file (e.g., Myplug-ins.xml) in Notepad.
Open your project in Visual Studio.
Right-click on your project name in the Solution Explorer panel and choose Open in File Explorer. File Explorer opens with your project files.
Navigate to obj\Debug.
Copy the location of this folder.
Return to the copied version of the XML file (e.g., Myplug-ins.xml) in Notepad, and paste the location of the Debug folder into the folder element.
<folder relative="true">your folder location</folder>
If using an absolute path, the relative attribute should be changed to false.
Save the file.
Plug-in load order
Smartpoint loads plug-ins in a sequence determined by the number that is part of the DLL file name. Smartpoint plug-ins must begin with a 4-digit number, a period, then a 2-digit number. DLLs are loaded in numerical order beginning with 0000.00, followed by the next available number. If two numbers are the same, the rest of the file name is used to determine plug-in load order (using standard alphabetical ordering).
For example, if the Smartpoint plug-in folder contains the files 0055.00.SwitchableAccess.dll, 0050.00.SecondaryCrypticLanguage.dll, and 0055.00.InfobotCleaner.dll, they would load in the following order:
Delete plug-in cache
When Smartpoint is first launched in normal mode, the plug-ins are cached. However, when Smartpoint is in Test Harness mode, plug-ins are not cached.
To view the list of plug-ins that are loaded, enter #LISTplug-inS in the terminal view.
If your plug-in is not displaying, delete the cache so that Smartpoint picks up the plug-ins defined in your new plug-in location file. The cache can be deleted in two ways:
- In Smartpoint terminal view, enter #HELP and press Enter. Then, double-click #DELETEplug-inCACHE option.
- From the terminal view, click the Application menu, then click Reset All Settings to Factory Defaults.
Then, either exit the application or click the Smartpoint icon again to reload Smartpoint. Once Smartpoint reloads, enter #LISTplug-inS in the terminal view to verify that your plug-ins were loaded.
Attach debugger to Smartpoint
When Smartpoint is in test harness mode, at Smartpoint launch a pop-up displays indicating that the application is in test harness mode and that a debugger can be attached prior to loading plug-ins. Before clicking OK in the pop-up, attach the Visual Studio debugger to the Smartpoint application.
With Smartpoint in test harness mode, launch Smartpoint.
Before clicking OK in the pop-up, return to Visual Studio. Click the Debug menu, then click Attach to Process.
In the Available Processes list, select Travelport.Smartpoint.App.exe, then click Attach.