To run and use Orion there are a few of minimum requirements you'll need to accomplish:
Install Node (includes NPM). We recommend installing the LTS (long-term support) version (or later) to take advantage of the latest functionality. If you are in a Windows system install, Chocolately is recommended as a package manager.
Install Yarn. Yarn is not required but its usage is highly recommended instead of using npm CLI.
Orion assumes some minimum knowledge in modern web development:
JavaScript (EcmaScript 2015 and above)
And, as Orion is based on two main libraries:
It would be great if you already have some experience using them.
Useful tools
There are a set of tools which will be helpful for you (highly recommended):
Visual Studio Code as IDLE
React Developer Tools to debug your React components
Redux DevTools to debug the state of Redux
Prettier is an awesome formatter with integration for most of the Editors/IDLEs.
ESLint as linting tool
Jest as unit testing library
Git as VCS
Webpack as module bundler