Fare Shopping

Fare Shopping returns lowest available fares and flights. Fare Shopping merges the manual comparison of tariff data and seat availability in a single request.

Through Aggregated Shopping results, Fare Shopping is able to integrate all public, private, and net fare content housed within the Travelport 360 Fares database. If applicable, data can be combined from both Network (GDS) carriers and Direct Payment Carriers (Low Cost Carriers).

For Fare Shopping, Smartpoint Worldspan supports:

  • A maximum of six flight segments in a single request.
  • A maximum of nine passengers in each transaction.
  • One-way, round-trip, circle trip, single and double open-jaw itineraries.
  • Low fare searches with or without a booked itinerary.
  • Pricing and availability modifiers to influence the search process and provide customized results.

Fare Shopping Options

Smartpoint Worldspan offers three fare shopping options through ePricing. These options can be accessed using either the ePricing script or cryptic commands.

More Information about ePricing

ePricing uses the Travelport Merchandising Platform to access global, regional, and low-cost airlines in a single shopping request. The result screen combines offers from both Network (GDS) carriers as well as Direct Payment Carriers in a single response.

Note: ePricing must be activated for your agency before you can make a request.

Option Description Cryptic Command

Power Shopper

Searches for low fare alternatives without a booked itinerary.


Flex Shopping


Uses Power Shopper to search for low fare alternatives with flexible modifiers. Access to these modifiers is based on your SID's selected tier:

  • Flex Airports searches multiple departure and arrival airports.
  • Flex One Day searches one day before and after original dates.
  • Flex Days searches up to 3 days before and after original dates.
  • Flex Origin/Destination searches a radius of up to 100 miles around departure and/or arrival airports.
  • Flex Weekend searches only for weekend trips after an original departure dates.