Fare rules

Displaying the Advanced Purchase Category

Display the Advance Purchase Information by clicking on Rules in the Advance Purchase column.

Note: The Advance Purchase category displays with a link at the top of the screen to return to the Fare Display, or links at the bottom of the screen to access Brief Rules, Ticketing Rules, All Rules or Menu of Rules.

Display the Menu of Rules by clicking on Menu in the Rules column.

Note: The Menu of Rules displays with the most commonly viewed categories highlighted in orange.

Specific Airline Fare Display

A Specific Fare Display may be accessed by entering manual formats in the Entry Field in the Smart Screen.

The response is an interactive display with links to:

  • Display availability from Fare Display by clicking on the line number.
  • View the restrictions tooltip by hovering over the symbol in the Restrict column.
  • Display Advance Purchase information by clicking on rules in the Advance Purchase column.