Smart buttons

Configuring Triggers

The triggering mechanism of buttons is controlled by a Trigger Settings configuration file. It can be stored on each agent’s PC (local drive), a common place (network drive) or a web location.

WARNING! If the triggers configuration file is stored on a network location, agents can see the triggers setup, but are NOT be able to edit. This way, the usage of triggers is mandatory for agents and they are unable to bypass it.

Configuration of file path is done in Smart Buttons settings:

Configuration file contents

The triggers that are defined in the configuration file can be created in two ways:

  • Via Smart Buttons agent interface (recommended)

  • By manually editing the configuration file (not recommended)

By default (at Smart Buttons installation), the triggers configuration file is empty – there are no triggers automatically added to any buttons.

Recommended configuration workflow

To introduce a workflow with triggers at a travel agency, following steps are the most effective and recommended:

  1. Create triggers as desired for certain buttons on 1 specific PC on the Smart Buttons agent interface (method described in details below).

  2. As the triggers are created on the agent interface, the configuration file is automatically filled with the trigger rules.

  3. Test your triggers on the initial PC, make sure they work correctly.

  4. When trigger creation is ready, browse your PC for the file that is defined in the Trigger settings. In our example: C:\Agents\beata.hardi\AppData\Roaming\Travelport\Smart Buttons\TriggersConfig.json

  5. Copy the file (TriggersConfig.json) and place it on a network drive location (or web location) in the travel agency.

  6. Setup Smart Buttons on each travel agents’ PC to read the Trigger configuration file from the network drive location where it was placed in step 5. This can be done in 2 ways:

    1. Modify the file path on each agent’s PC: paste the correct file location path in Smart Buttons settings / Trigger settings.

    2. Install Smart Buttons in one step for the entire organization with the .msi installer file, using options to define ‘triggers config file path’ along with ‘office buttons file path’. (method explained at the end of this document)

If Triggers configuration file is stored in a network location, the agent can still access the trigger settings of any button, but they will not be able to modify it.