Travelport Smart Buttons Library

Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with Smartpoint 11.0 and later. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.


Smart buttons

Travelport Smart Buttons Library

MCO Exchange

ARC only. If a PNR contains the stored MCO data, agents are prompted to enter the MCO number to use during the exchange.

To perform an MCO exchange:
  1. Click the MCO Exchange button. The key pre-populates certain information available from this screen.

The following items pre-populate:

  • Amount

  • Ticket Number

  • Date of Issue

  • Origin – based on the first segment

  • Destination – based on the first segment

  1. Add or modify information and click SUBMIT. The Add Collect Amount window displays:

  2. Enter the Form Of Payment for the Total Add / Collect amount and click Submit.

    After the information is stored in the Filed Fare, the following window response displays:

  3. Proceed to issue the ticket by calling the Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing function.