Displaying Car Rental Locations (Car Index)
A Car Index is a list of car rental locations in a requested area, regardless of availability.
Tip! If you want to search for rental locations based on availability, see Car Availability Search.
Car Index may be used if a traveler wants:
- To know if a rental location exists in a certain city.
- A list of locations and vendors in a particular city or airport location.
In Smartpoint, Car Index is available only through terminal entries.
The same basic terminal formats are used for both Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V).
Car Index Request | Example Format | Description |
Help for Car Index Formats |
Travelport+ (1G): H/CAI Apollo (1V): HELP CAI |
By City/Airport Code |
Car locations in SYD. Defaults to the current date. |
By City Name |
Car locations in the city of Frankfurt. |
By City/Airport Code and Date |
Car locations in Rio for a October 25. |
By Reference Point |
Car locations in proximity to the Coliseum. If there is more than reference point with the same name, a list of similar names is displayed.
By City/Airport Code, Date, and Supplier |
A list of for suppliers TR and ZE in Geneva for September 12. |
By Location Type |
Resort (R) locations in Nice. |
By Distance |
Locations within 5 kilometers of Paris city center. |
The Car Index display returns the a list rental locations, regardless of rental availability.
For example, the following response displays car rental locations for Brussels for the city/airport code: CAIBRU.
The display items are the same for both Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V). The following table describes the header information and first line of locations.
Response | Description |
Location (city/airport code). |
TH |
The applicable day of the week (Thursday). |
11Jan |
The applicable date. Defaults to the current date if no date is included in the request. |
KM |
Distance unit. KM = kilometers MI = miles |
Direction column. |
Locations are divided into areas. Scroll down to see additional areas. |
1 |
Line number. |
+ |
Indicates Inside Availability from the supplier. |
AL |
2-letter supplier code. To decode the supplier name.
BRUT72 |
The unique location code. |
The location address. To display the Car Rental Company Descriptions and Policies (CAD):
0 |
Mileage and Direction Indicator The distance and direction from the search location. 0 indicates a rental location directly at the search location. For this search, the search location is the Brussels National Airport. A location of 3SW indicates a rental location 3 miles southwest of the search location. The default search radius is 30 miles/50km. |
<<More Cars>> |
If present at the bottom of the list, click to view additional rental locations. The terminal equivalent is CAI*PD. |
Follow-On Entries
From the Car Index display, several types of follow-on entries can be made.
Tip! In Smartpoint 8.2 and later, interactive entries are available in green text.
Follow-On Request | Example Format | Description |
Redisplay |
Redisplay the last index accessed. |
Follow-up Availability Request |
CAL4/ARR–1500/DT–0900 |
Request a low-to-high availability search from line 4 of the index response with a 1500 pick-up time and a 0900 drop-off time. |
Car Rental Company Descriptions and Policies |
CAD1 |
Display the Car Rental Company Descriptions and Policies (CAD) screen for Line 1 of the Car Index (CAI) display.
Keyword Description |
Age Requirement description for the location in Car Index (CAI) Line 1. Tip! In Smartpoint 8.2 and later, click the green keyword code to display the keyword description.
Multiple Keyword Descriptions by Code |
For Line 1 in the Car Index (CAI), display the location's:
A maximum of three location descriptions are supported. |
Multiple Keyword Descriptions by Code Number |
CADx/4+6+9 |
For Line 1 in the Car Index (CAI), display the location's:
A maximum of three location descriptions are supported. |
Keyword Menu |
From the Location Description (CAD), provides a keyword menu.
CAD*PD = page down in the menu CAD*UP= page up in the menu Known Issue for ApolloIf a CAD link is embedded in the location description, the link may not work for either the CAI or CAL results screens. |