
Default QuickCommands

Some QuickCommands are installed by default in Travelport Smartpoint.

Terminal QuickCommands

The following Quick Commands can be entered in a Terminal window.

Quick Command



Direct car segment sell


Passive car segment sell


Direct sell flight segment


Passive hotel segment sell


Direct hotel segment sell


Displays seat for booked flights


Opens the SEATGURU web page.


Launches View Trip for a completed PNR/Booking File


Change to second listed Galileo TCP/IP system settings

These QuickCommands include Relay tools, which are a series of Windows-based tools that quickly accomplish complex and time-consuming tasks. When you want to perform daily tasks, use one or more of the Relay tools.

Relay QuickCommands

Relay QuickCommands open Galileo ((Travelport+) or Apollo Relay tools.

To open Relay QuickCommands:
  • Classic Windows. From the TOOLS menu, select QuickCommands. Then, select from the list ofRelay QuickCommands.

  • Flex Windows. Click the Tools icon to select QuickCommands. Then, select from the list ofRelay QuickCommands.

The following table lists Relay tools and their descriptions. Available Relay tools vary by the Galileo (Travelport+) or Apollo system, as well as the Relay tools selected during the Smartpoint installation.

Relay Tool


Relay Itinerary Capture

Apollo only. Collects itinerary data and sends it to other destinations.

Relay Queues

Helps monitor and maintain agency queues.

Relay PNR

Creates a Business File or a Personal File from data stored in a booking.

Relay Client File/PRO-File

Provides the ability to cut, copy, and paste information to and from Windows-based applications to create or update a profile.

Relay Ticket Exchange

Determines exchange type based on booking information. Provides a graphic of ticket coupon to identify additional information on current ticket.

Relay Recovery

Simplifies linking and unlinking printers, clearing printer buffers, and managing TINS tables.

Relay Rules

Provides the ability to copy and change rules for point-of-sale booking quality control check.

Relay E-Status

Automated way to track status of unused electronic tickets.