Trip Quote Copy

Changing Settings

You can change the display settings for Trip Quote Copy at any time in the Global Settings tab.

Editing the Settings

All changes to Trip Quote Copy settings are optional.

  1. In Date Format, enter a date format to display in the data tables, where d = date, M =month, and y = year.

The Example changes to reflect your entry. Note that formats are not limited only to those shown as samples on the tab.

  1. In Time Format, enter a date format to display in the data tables, where H = hour in 24-hour clock, h = hour in 12-hour clock, tt = AM/PM, m = minute, s = second.

The Example changes to reflect your entry. Note that formats are not limited only to those shown as samples on the tab.

  1. Click Layout Templatearrow to select Layout 1 and Layout 2. Then, select a color scheme for the layout with Alternate Color for table rows, Header Color, and Border Color.

Note: The color code may be displayed for the color options. This known issue is being corrected.

  1. Select or clear Show Sub Grid Header to display or hide column heading titles.
Note: If Show Sub Grid Header is selected and then cleared, some of the headings in the Availability and Shopping tabs continue to be displayed. This known issue is being corrrected.
  1. Clear the Include Time stamp check box if you do not want to include the time stamp and disclaimer with the table.
  2. In Location, select Top or Bottom for the location of the time stamp and disclaimer, if present.
  3. In Date/Time format, enter a format for the time stamp, where:
  4. d = date, M =month, and y = year
  5. H = hour in 24-hour clock, h = hour in 12-hour clock, tt = AM/PM, m = minute, s = second

Note: Trip Quote Copy must be closed and re-opened to display changes to the date or time formats.

  1. In Disclaimer, enter a disclaimer, message, contact information, or other free text.
  2. Click SAVE. Changes to the table format, time stamp and disclaimer are immediate.
  3. Click CANCEL or the close box. Then, re-open Trip Quote Copy to display the changes date and time formats in the data tables.
Note: Settings for Trip Quote Copy are saved on your local system. Any setting changes remain saved unless you uninstall Smartpoint.


The following table is created based on the example settings. If desired, you can also make text edits or additional format changes to the table after it is pasted into the email or document.