Hotel Retail

As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default.


Hotel Retail

Working with the Hotel Retail Window

Hotel Retail is not displayed in a modal window, which means that you can navigate between Hotel Retail and Smartpoint/Galileo Desktop, as well as change the window display and size.

To toggle back and forth Hotel Retail and Smartpoint:

Press ALT+TAB.

Tip! You can also use ALT+TAB to display Hotel Retail if it is "lost" behind other application windows.

To minimize the Hotel Retail window:

Click the Minimize icon in the top right corner.

To restore the Hotel Retail window:

Click the Smartpoint icon in the Windows taskbar.

To maximize the Hotel Retail window:

Click the Maximize icon in the top right corner.

Click the Restore icon to redisplay the Hotel Retail window in its previous size and location.