Editing Itineraries with Smartpanel
When you price and store fares in the Smartpanel Air Pricing tab, you can edit the PNR/Booking File to change the departure, segment status, or booking code of one or more segments.
To edit an itinerary with Smartpanel:
Request flight shopping, available flights, or pricing. You can make this request either from Smartpanel or outside of Smartpanel.
Open or display Smartpanel, if necessary.
Click the Edit tab, which displays when an itinerary is present in the PNR View.
In Segment, select or clear check boxes to select the desired segments.
Optional. In Depart, change the departure date for a segment.
Optional. Click the Segment Status arrow to change the status.
Optional. In Booking Code enter a new a new booking code.
Click APPLY to update the PNR/Booking File.
Tip! Any changes made through the Smartpanel are automatically updated in the PNR/Booking File. You can also select Auto Refresh from PNR to automatically reflect any changes made directly in the PNR/Booking File in Smartpanel.More Information
If Auto Refresh from PNR is:
- Selected, Smartpoint continuously checks PNR/Booking File and automatically updates Smartpanel. However, this activity can cause Smartpoint to run a little more slowly.
- Not selected, Smartpanel is only refreshed on the tab that is displayed and active. For example, if you add new passengers, Smartpanel is not automatically updated.
However, if you choose not to use Auto Refresh, you can still manually update Smartpanel by clicking anywhere in the Smartpanel window/pane.
Known Issue: If the Auto Refresh from PNR is not select, and the Smartpanel updates after clicking into any field in the Smartpanel, then you need to click a second time to actually enter data.