Booking Fares with Route Maps

You can use the Route Map to view and book from routes from Fare Shopping results.

To open the Route Map:

The Route Map is displayed.

Note: You can drag the bars on the bottom middle of the map to re-size the map window.

Screen Explanation



Click the back arrow at the top-left of the window to return to the Fare Shopping results screen.

Click on the + or – to zoom or un-zoom the map display.

Sort by:


Click the drop-down list to sort by price, departure time, or journey time.




Click the drop-down list to specify the numbed of stops.



Click the drop-down list and drag the slide-rule to vary the departure time and arrival time windows.

Click the Airlines drop-down list to select or deselect displayed airlines.

Click the Airports drop-down list to select or deselect displayed airports.

The display detail on the right of the screen vary according to the selected fare and itinerary option on the left.

Click to hide the map display.

Click on Details to display the fare breakdown.

Click on Rules to display the fare components.

Click on Book to book the required option.