EMD Manager: EMD-S

Reviewing EMD History and Details


With the EMD Manager, you can review any EMDs that have been issued for an itinerary. EMDs that were created using both terminal commands and the EMD Manager are available in the EMD Review.

To review EMD history and details:

  1. Click the Review tab of the EMD Manager to view issued EMDs for a PNR.

The current status of each EMD is indicated. If present, EMD-A are also displayed.

  1. Click Details for an EMD to view the full history and information for that EMD in the EMD Details window.

Note that only the last EMD issued for an SVC segment displays carrier and city information. The SVC segment contains the EMD number for the last EMD issued for that segment, and Smartpoint uses that number to determine the carrier and city.

Voiding or refunding the EMD may also be available, depending on the carrier and itinerary.