Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Goods and Services Tax information is required at the time of booking so that all eligible customers purchasing tickets are able to claim GST credit. Every India reservation, including those made via the NDC channel, for all carriers booked with the point-of-sale India must include GST data for the business that is purchasing, which is used to calculate taxes into a single tax.

Note: At this time, Singapore Airlines is the only NDC airline that supports India GST within NDC.

The GST information is collected via SSR remarks and is passed to the airline when the booking file is created.

  • Corporations are to request the GST amount to be credited back to the passenger and this amount will not be returned to the passenger in any way by the carrier.

  • GST is valid for point-of-sale India. However, those passengers who have a GST number receive a GST credit invoice back from the carrier on the given email ID (email ID entered in the SSR predefined format of the GST details).

  • Corporations cannot get the details added by the carrier later, and under no circumstance do the passengers receive the credit if not added through the GDS prior to ticket issuance.

Add GST after selecting flights

  1. Search for flights requiring GST information (carriers booked with the point-of-sale India ).

  2. Once flights are chosen, the Review and confirm page displays.

  3. The GST Information section displays below the booking information section. Complete the GST fields.

  4. Hold or Ticket the booking.

In the Booking information section of the graphical booking file, the Messages for airlines section indicates that GST information is available. Select Messages for airlines to view the GST information.

Add GST via terminal prior to searching

The following entries are used to add GST information via SSRs prior to searching for and selecting Singapore Airlines NDC flights or any flight originating in India: 

  • GSTN - Company name and GST tax number (GSTIN)

  • GSTA - Goods and Services Tax business address

    • Address needs to include all the following: street, city, state, postcode.

  • GSTP - Goods and Services Tax business phone number(s)

  • GSTE - Goods and Services Tax business email

Important: GST information must be added to a booking file prior to accessing the search panel.

  1. In a terminal window, create a PNR.

  2. Add passenger details.

  3. Add GST details.

    Information required


    Corporate GST tax number and company name


    Corporate GST tax physical address for the company


    Corporate GST tax phone number for the company


    Corporate GST tax email for the person at the company in A/R (accounts receivable)


  4. Using the Search panel, search for and select NDC Singapore Airline flights in the same PNR as the GST data.

  5. Book and hold or book and ticket the selected flights.

  6. The GST sales tax is sent to airline when the booking file is created.