

Bags can be added after booking (either hold or ticket) for traditional bookings (GDS).

Bag support per NDC carrier:


Before book

After book

Air France/KLM


Available after hold and after ticket

When added after hold, you must issue ticket(s).

British Airways


Only after ticket



Only after ticket



Only after ticket

Lufthansa Group


Only after ticket



Only after ticket

Singapore Airlines


Available after hold and after ticket

When added after hold, you must issue ticket(s).

Refer to limitations for a full list of bag limitations.

Bags can be added before or after booking, subject to carrier support. For the best user experience, it is recommended for the agents to use the graphical flow to display and book seats or bags.

When adding bags:

  • Bags can be selected for any or all passengers.

  • When bags are added to held bookings, the bags are also put on hold. You can then pay for both bags and flights using the same form of payment.

  • When bags are added to a ticketed booking, you can pay for bags using the same form of payment that was used for the flights.

Add bags before booking

For NDC airlines that support adding bags before booking: 

  1. Select flights on an NDC carrier that supports adding bags before booking.

  2. In the Review and Confirm panel, expand the Bags, meals, and more section under the Fare Details.

  3. Select + Add bags, meals, and more.

  4. If traveler information has not be added to the booking file, you are prompted to enter traveler names.

  5. Click the + icon to add a bag for a segment for a passenger.

  6. Select the type of bag from the list of baggage options available.

  7. Repeat for each passenger and segment for which the traveler want bags.

  8. Select the Save button.

  9. Important: At this time, bags cannot be edited. If you have the bags you need, select Go to checkout.

  10. The Review and confirm page displays with selected bags listed per passenger. The total is updated to include both flights and ancillaries.

  11. Continue with the booking by completing payment and traveler information.


Add bags after booking

  1. Retrieve the graphical booking file.

  2. Expand the Reservations section.

  3. Select the reservation summary section to display details in the right panel.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the right panel and expand Bags, meals, and more.

  5. Select + Add bags, meals, and more. You may have to scroll down to see this option.

  6. On the Bags page, select + to add a bag for a passenger per segment.

  7. When you have added the desired bags for the trip, select the Save button.

  8. Important: At this time, bags cannot be edited. If you have the bags you need, select Go to checkout.

  9. The Review and confirm page displays. For held bookings, the total is updated to include both flights and ancillaries. For ticketed bookings, the total includes the added bags.

  10. The Bags, meals, and more section of the Reservation panel is updated with the selected bags and the associated cost.

  11. For a held booking, select Save changes to put the bags on hold. Select Issue ticket to pay for the flights and ancillaries.

  12. For ticketed bookings, select Book and pay to pay for the ancillaries using the same form of payment that was used for the flights.

Baggage information displays in the interactive booking file in the *DI section for NDC reservations and in the *SI section for GDS reservations.


The following bag functionality is not yet supported for traditional bookings.

  • Frequent flyer baggage allowance not supported.

  • Bag selection cannot be changed before commit.

  • Bag selection cannot be changed or canceled after commit.

  • A different form of payment cannot be selected to pay for bags. The form of payment used for flights is used.

  • Multiple bags of the same type cannot be selected for a passenger on a given segment in the same transaction. As a workaround, add a single bag per transaction and repeat the process if more bags of the same type are needed.

  • EMDs are not generated for bags.

  • Bags cannot be booked for INF.

  • Bags added through terminal commands are not returned in PNR retrieve.