Seat Book API Reference



For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response.

Base path:



Related Content: Seats Guide, Seat Map API Reference

After retrieving available seats with a Seat Map request, you send a Seat Book request to add a selected seat to the workbench. See the Seats Guide for the workflow description.

You can include multiple travelers in the same seat book request; however, you must send a separate book request for each flight (aka segment) on the itinerary.

To add ancillaries or seats to a multi-offer booking, send the Seat Map or Ancillary Shop request, then send one book request for each offer. You can send the book requests in any order: first and second offer, or second and first offer. Supported for an existing booking for ancillaries and seats; supported in the initial booking workflow only for free seats. GDS only; multi-offers not supported for NDC.
For GDS only, you can modify an existing seat assignment by sending the Seat Book request without canceling the existing seat. If the new seat book request is successful at workbench commit, the existing seat is replaced. If unsuccessful, the existing seat is retained. In the case of an add collect (the new seats cost more than the modified seats), you must send Add Payment for the price difference in the same workbench. Seat modify is not supported for changing a paid seat to a free seat, for modifying a seat booked in the same workbench session, or for NDC.
Seat booking support varies for NDC and GDS, specific carriers, and at places in the booking workflow. See the Seats Guide for support details.
You may need to add payment for seats in the same workbench session. See payment and EMD details in the Ancillary and EMD Guide.
Ancillaries 24.11.31 and later. If an infant PTC that by definition doesn't include a seat assignment is sent in a seat book request, such as INF for an infant in the lap of an adult passenger, Seat Book displays the error message "PASSENGER TYPE CODE CANNOT CONTAIN INFANT". GDS only; not supported for NDC.


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Request Body


GDS Seat Book Response

For GDS, the seat book response returns full details for each seat booked.

NDC Seat Book Response

NDC responses return an identifier for each booked seat. You can send a reservation retrieve request to return booked seat details.

Example Request

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

You can include multiple travelers in the same seat book request; however, you must send a separate book request for each flight on the itinerary.

The following example sends seat assignments for two travelers on the same flight. This example is for GDS; however, the seat book request is the same for both GDS and NDC, and for both free and paid seats.

Example Response

For GDS, the seat book response returns details for all booked seats, including seat assignments and price details for both paid and free seats.

The NDC seat book response returns an identifier for each seat selection instead of seat details. You can send a workbench retrieve request to return booked seat details.

When Seat Book is sent for a flight that already has seat assignments, OfferID is returned with @type OfferAncillaryModify to indicate the modified seat assignment. The response also includes the ModifyPrice object, which indicates any price changes from the existing seat assignment. ModifyPrice values of 0 indicate no change, positive numbers indicate an additional cost, negative numbers indicate a refund amount.

Upon successfully booking the new seats at workbench commit, the previous seats are released. In case of booking failure, the existing seats are retained on the booking. This supports modifying seats by ensuring the current seats remain available in case of a booking failure.