Booking Class & Cabin (RBD)

Travelport applies industry standard processing of ATPCO RBD Record 6 (booking class) and defined cabin via Answer Table A02.

Airlines maintain a cabin table in ATPCO to determine which classes are assigned to which cabin. This is the A02 table.

Before opening a case for a cabin discrepancy you can validate with the Airline what they have designated in this table.

Travelport provides detailed booking class (RBD) information for primary and secondary carrier for all fares.

The primary and booking class information is available as follow up entry from a Fare display or booked itinerary. The response indicates the class of service to be booked for a desired fare.

Prime Booking Class Data

Booking class information filed by the fare owner (determined by fare selection), plus any exceptions filed for segments flown by secondary carriers with whom they have agreements.

Secondary Booking Class Data

Booking class information for segments flown by carriers other than the fare owner that do not want other carriers to define the classes of service that should be used on their flights.

A carrier cannot instruct booking class data on behalf of another (secondary) carrier unless that secondary carrier has filed an agreement with ATPCO permitting the instruction.

In case the secondary airline did not accordingly file the agreement within ATPCO, the system cannot automatically fare quote the itinerary as it is unable to validate data.

Follow up entries:

Galileo (1G)

Follow up entry to FD

I am unable to price a fare and fail booking class

Here is an example of missing RBD data in the Chart 2 where XX is a participating carrier in the ZZ fare.

Where you see NO BOOKING CODE INFORMATION it has not been filed by the Airline and therefore we have no way to price.

In those cases please advise the Airline so they can update.