Order Change Notifications

Important: This information applies only to Singapore Airlines NDC bookings.

For Singapore Airlines NDC bookings only, the following Order Change Notifications (OCNs) are placed on specific queues and also generate DI line messages. No agent action is required, but agents may want to monitor these queues to stay informed about changes to a traveler's booking file.

  • Bookings that had changes to their booked services, such as ancillaries or seats, will be placed in Queue 25. Additionally, a new DI line is added to the booking file with the message ITINERARY MODIFIED CHANGES TO ANCILLARY SERVICES.

  • Bookings that have been modified by voluntary changes to flights done by the airline will be placed in Queue 11. There is no expectation from the agency to do anything with this event. Additionally, a new DI line is added to the booking file with the message ITINERARY MODIFIED BY AIRLINE VOLUNTARY CHNG.

  • Bookings where the passenger has caused a no show will be placed in Queue 23. If there is only one segment in the booking, it will remain as a no show. When the OCN was caused by a passenger no show, if there is only one segment in the booking, it will remain as a no show. If there two or more segments, all the segments after no show will be removed from the booking. In either of these states, the booking can only be refunded with penalties in NDC. A reshop has to be handled offline directly with the airline. Additionally, a new DI line is added to the booking file with the message CUSTOMER NO-SHOW.