Fare quote alternative

This functionality displays alternative fares applicable to the itinerary booked. FQA will quote a maximum of four alternative (lowest) fares. Once the required fare has been selected, it must be manually filed.

FQA is not applicable for itineraries falling entirely within the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

To do a fare quote alternative, enter FQA

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Enter the fare number, e.g., FF1 to store alternative fare quote number 1.

A screenshot of a receipt

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Once you've chosen the required fare, you must file it and end transaction to store it in the booking file.

Enter R.PAX+ER

Smartpoint Cloud will file the fare and create an *FF in the booking file.

A screenshot of a computer

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Enter FQA* to redisplay the alternate fare quote display.

Next lesson: Filed fares