End the booking file

There are two ways to finish working on a booking file: end transaction or queue. You may also ignore the elements added, in which case they are not saved.

When you end the transaction, you save the new or changed data you entered in the booking file. The same applies when queueing.

However, when you ignore, you do not save the information you entered in either a new booking file or an existing one.

End transaction


To save a booking file you have created, you must end the transaction. When a new booking is ended, it is filed in the central database in Travelport+. At this point, the booking file is assigned a unique identification code called a record locator. The assigned record locator never changes, no matter how often the booking file is modified.

The function identifier to end transaction of a booking file is: E




Ends booking. You are no longer in the booking.


End and retrieves the booking.


End, retrieve, and mail itinerary to email addresses.

Travelport+ confirms your entry, either by assigning a record locator to a new booking file or by redisplaying the record locator for an existing one. Each time you make changes to a booking file, you must enter the received field before you can end the modified record.

Note: Queue entries are explained in the Queues module.

Completed PNR with record locator:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Ignore transaction


The ignore function lets you cancel any work done on a booking file. Any changes made to an existing record are ignored and the booking file returns to the central database in Travelport+.

To ignore a booking file, enter the function identifier I

If you are building a new booking file and you have not ended the transaction (ER) for the first time and you choose to ignore it, the entire booking file will be deleted, and you will have to begin anew.

Next lesson: Retrieve a booking file