Display Availability
Select whether to search traditional only, NDC offers only, or all.
When All is selected, traditional and NDC offers are combined and duplications are eliminated.
If the traditional and NDC offers have the same marketing carrier and same flight number(s) but different brand names, the offers are combined. You can check the content source of the different brands by selecting a search result and opening the flight detail page.
If the traditional and NDC offers have the same marketing carrier, same flight number(s), and same brand name, duplications are eliminated. If the price for both offers is the same, only the traditional offer is returned. However, if the price of these offers is different, the lowest-cost offer is then displayed.
Enter the trip information (required).
Enter the city or airport codes in the first From-To section. The codes can be entered directly if known or can be selected from a drop-down display after the first characters are entered. The full text origin and destination city display when entering the city or airport code.
If the code for the airport and city are the same, each location is identified by a city (
) or airport (
) icon. If you select the city location, all airports in that city are considered. If you select the airport location, only flights to or from that airport are considered.
Note: If your point of sale is India and will be on Singapore Airlines, you must enter Goods and Services Tax information before searching for flights.
Select a date from the calendar or enter the departure date in format DDMMM (10MAR) or MMMDD (MAR10).
To restrict results to within +/- 2 hours of a specific time, enter the time in a 24-hour format (e.g., to search around 2:00 pm, enter 14:00). Search results display a range of -2 and +2 hours from the desired departure time.
Note: Currently, only AA, QF, AF/KL airlines support the time filter. AF/KL does not support the time filter on multi-segment itineraries.
If you are searching for a round trip, complete the same fields in the second From-To section. To search for one-way, remove the return section by selecting the X above the Time field. To add another leg, select the plus