Modify and cancel

To modify or cancel a booking file, you must first retrieve it from the direct payment carrier’s system. Enter Z*R/Cnn to display the direct payment carrier booking file.

Next, the GDS host booking file must be in synch with the direct payment carrier’s booking file. Enter ZSYNC/Cnn to synch the booking files.

Modify the booking file segments, optional services/ancillaries, passenger name, or APIS. You may book a seat if you add a new segment or modify an existing segment.

You may cancel the booking file. For example, X2 followed by 0U24909Y08NOVAMSLGWNN1

Note: You may not cancel multiple direct payment carrier segments in a single entry.

If you modify the booking file by name or segment change, aggregated shopping will send or re-send the APIS data if it exists in the booking file.

Enter FQ to price the itinerary and all selected seats and options.

If the price has changed, the following message displays on the first line of the fare quote: *** Price Changed – Amount due: …. ***

Add the form of payment.

End the booking file.

Add itinerary remarks after canceling or modifying.

All original itinerary remarks will be replaced with the revised booking data.

The original form of payment plus total amount will be retained plus the new form of payment and total amount (including add collect) will be added.


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As each direct payment carrier may follow a slightly different procedure, refer to MyTravelport for specific direct payment carrier-related information when canceling or modifying bookings.

Next lesson: Summary