Claim a booking
MyTravelport search: Claim PNR
A customer may reserve flights directly with an airline and then want you to issue the ticket. How you issue the ticket depends on whether the airline permits you to claim their bookings through Travelport+. To check whether an airline is a claim participant in Travelport+ refer to MyTravelport.
Claim booking file enables you to issue a ticket when the airline has made the original booking and take ownership of the airline’s booking file. Claim can also be used for Group Booking File ticket issue. The airline must enter an authority into the booking file before you are able to claim it.
Note: If your customer has flown the first segment of the booking, you cannot claim the booking.
Claim process
To claim a booking from a participating airline to issue a ticket, use the following steps.
Retrieve the booking file.
Booking files may be retrieved using the source airline's record locator or flight and name. Use airport codes in your entry. Refer to the following example for ITA Airways (AZ).
Retrieve by record locator.
Retrieve by flight and name.
Note: If a passenger is waitlisted, precede the flight number with W. For example, C/AZ*W/AZ374/12APRFCO-VERDI/AMR
Once the booking file is displayed, you must confirm the claim to complete the transaction. Be alert. A claim cannot be reversed.
To complete the claim, enter C/AZ/OK
The response is completed. Retrieve the booking file with its new Travelport+ record locator. The new record locator is transmitted to all carriers in the itinerary.
Note: The following conditions may prevent you from making a claim:
Prepaid bookings
Booking files belonging to another agency
Booking files created by another airline
Negotiated fare
Ticketed booking file
Net remit fare
SSR FQTR (redemption tickets)
SSR FQTU (upgrade tickets)
No active segment
No REQD air nor ATO/CTO
Date beyond GDS range
Status code SA (on the vendor side)
Negotiated space
Amadeus extended security ES elements do not match
Note: Call the airline if you get the response: CLAIM FAILED - ERROR IN VENDOR SYSTEM.