Advanced Travelport+ products

Advanced Travelport+ products can help you do your job more efficiently, increase office productivity, and improve customer service.

Some advanced Travelport+ products are:

  • Agency Private Fares incorporating Net Fare Manager and Selling Fare Manager

  • Client file

  • TravelScreen Plus

  • Custom Check

  • Smart Buttons

Agency Private Fares


Agency Private Fares (APF) is a web-based product providing travel agents and consolidators with the means to maintain their contracts of private, negotiated fares. Net Fare Manager (NFM) provides the ability to mark-up/down and redistribute airline-filed net fares (type C), while Selling Fare Manager (SFM) is used for airline-filed private fares (type L).

After contracts have been loaded into APF, or distributed from NFM or SFM, the fares are available to integrate with public fares and airline-filed private fares for fare display, quote, and shopping. These rates can be shared with Worldspan and/or Apollo users at the agency’s discretion only.

The following table lists the features and benefits of APF.



Integrated fares

Combines private and published fares for pricing or tariff display.

Secured data

Provides customized access with host database control.

Improved productivity

Eliminates pricing records, extra ticket entries, and cumbersome paper or client file-based reference sources.

Client file


Agency files, business files, and personal files were explained in the Profiles module.

Three other types of client files also exist.

Itinerary/auxiliary service client files

Itinerary/auxiliary service client files enable you to store details of frequently used air, hotel, car, and tour segments. You can also store itinerary remarks. Retention segments can be created using these.

Information client files

These files contain information commonly used by your agency. They are useful for holding such things as office procedures and policies and home contact telephone numbers. Information is never transferred into a booking file.

Membership client files

Membership client files are used by select (member) agencies. They may be customer data, itinerary/auxiliary service, or information client files and may be used purely for information purposes or the information contained in them can be transferred into a booking file.

Note: For more information on these types of Client Files, please refer to MyTravelport.

TravelScreen Plus


MyTravelport search: Build TravelScreen personal preference records

MyTravelport search: Build TravelScreen personal preference records for car hire

MyTravelport search: Build TravelScreen personal preference records for hotel bookings

TravelScreen Plus is an advanced Travelport+ point-of-sale tool that works with client files to tailor availability screens for air, car, and hotel to include customer preferences at both the business and personal levels.

The following table lists the features and benefits of TravelScreen.



Corporate and personal preferences

Provides customized air, car, and hotel availability screens.

Switchable availability

It provides the ability to toggle between preferenced and neutral availability.

Preferred air availability

Provides the ability to designate origin city, city pair, or general availability for a maximum of three carriers.

Preferred car availability

It provides the ability to designate a maximum of four preferred car vendors.

Preferred hotel availability

It provides the ability to designate a maximum of four preferred hotel companies.

Custom Check

Custom Check is an advanced Travelport+ point-of-sale quality control tool that enables an agency to ensure that every booking file they build conforms to their business practices.

The following table lists the features and benefits of Custom Check.



Point of sale quality control

Provides a check for data accuracy at the end transactions.

Enforcement levels

Control booking information prior to end transaction or ticketing.

Improved productivity

Allows rules to be included in client files reducing additional entries.

Accurate data

Allows definition of booking fields and content ensuring correct bookings.

Next lesson: Summary