Retrieving a past date booking file


Booking files become “past date” 24 hours after their last travel date and can only be retrieved up to 13 months after their last travel date.

Assume you receive a query from a passenger who traveled recently, asking when a flight was canceled in their booking file. Attempt to retrieve the booking file with its record locator: *2GNDNF

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The passenger traveled a few days previously, and the booking file has become past date.

To retrieve it as a past date booking file, enter PQ/R-2GNDNF

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Tab and type CONFIRM and then press Enter at the cursor.

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Because the booking file is less than 60 days old, it will be queued immediately to the general queue Q1 category PD. Entry: QCA

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A booking file will remain in the queue for seven days after which it is programmatically purged. If a booking file is more than 60 days old or too large, it will be queued to the same queue for retrieval after 24 hours.

Record locators are recycled after a booking file has been purged. If there is more than one past date booking file with the same record locator, a multiple name list is displayed.

To retrieve the booking file when it is available, enter Q/1*CPD. You can also press PD in green to open the first booking in queue 1 PD category. If you select the number of bookings, a list is displayed.

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As the booking file is past date and all segments have been traveled, there are no active segments shown.

To investigate the query from your customer, enter *H to display history.

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Refer to the HELP pages: H/PQ for more PDQ booking file retrieval formats.

Note: It is not possible to retrieve a booking file beyond 13 months.

Next lesson: Copy terminal content as text