Manual exchanges screens for ARC (US) agencies

The scope for graphical manual exchanges will be expanded in future releases. However, for the current version, the manual exchanges screen is eligible only for tickets that meet the following requirements:

  • ARC (US) agencies.

  • Single passengers.

  • One filed fare (stored fare) per passenger.

  • One ticket number on a PNR/booking file.

  • Wholly unflown itineraries. No past-date air segments are currently supported.

  • Originally issued tickets. Previously reticketed PNR/booking files are not currently supported.

PNR/booking files that do not contain NDC or Direct Payment Carrier segments.

  • Tickets issued outside of the PNR/booking file are not yet supported. For example, a new PNR/booking file that was created to replace a previous booking.

  • Bookings can be made using alternate currencies, but currently fees and commissions related to the exchange are displayed in US dollars (USD).

Use Manual Exchange screens

Note: In this example, the PNR/booking file is not eligible for an Enhanced Exchange because the itinerary was rebooked after ticketing.

To make a manual exchange:

  1. Open a PNR/booking file with a ticketed fare that is eligible for manual exchange.

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    • Segments must have an HS or HK status.

    • The ticketed fare must meet the current scope for eligibility with the Early Adopter manual exchange screens.

  2. Change the PNR/booking file by adding a new fare quote that includes a supported voluntary change.

    In this example, segment 2 was rebooked in a different fare class for a new date.

  3. File a new fare (FQ). In this example, the new filed fare (FF) has a status of G. Note that there is no ticket number.

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  4. End transact (ER) the PNR/booking file.

  5. Select <<CHANGE>> then Exchange (Manual).

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    If the ticket is eligible for automated exchange, the Enhanced Exchanges screen is displayed.

    In Graphical view, select Change booking, then select Exchange (Manual).

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  6. Select Accept and continue to display the Manual Exchange screen.

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  7. In Change fee, confirm or modify the change fee for the new stored fare.

  8. Review the passenger name, Passenger Type Code (PTC), and original ticket information.

  9. Select Continue to display the Compare original and new fare screen.

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  10. Review the new fare and fare difference information.

  11. Select Continue to display the Review and confirm changes screen.

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  12. Review the fare and itinerary details.

    1. If applicable. In the Payments section, review or select the payment options for add collect or the refund options for residual values. Per ARC requirements, change fees are collected at the time of ticketing.

      Exchanges with add collect

      Optional. In Payments, click the Payment Method arrow to change the form of payment for add collect options. Available forms of payment vary depending on the carrier and itinerary.

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      For the current release, multiple forms of payment are not yet enabled, as well as change fee collected as tax is not yet supported.

      Note: Changing the payment method on the Review and Confirm screen does not currently affect the form of payment used to process the exchange.

      To change the form of payment, update the FOP in the "F." field in the PNR/booking file before beginning the Manual Exchange workflow.

      Exchange with residual value (ARC)

      In the Payments section, either the original form of payment (FOP) or an MCO is used for residual values.

      • For this release, check and non-refundable are not supported as forms of payment for refunds.

      • If the refund method is unknown, a message indicates that you must contact the airline to confirm the refund method and process the refund outside of Smartpoint.

      • If permitted by the carrier, the residual value may be returned as an automatically generated MCO (Miscellaneous Charge Order). If an MCO is automatically issued for a residual exchange with a negative value, a message is displayed when you click the Information icon in the Payments section.

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      If applicable, agents can choose to forfeit (ignore) the refund value of (base fare and/or taxes), by selecting one of these options:

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      Sometimes agents want to forfeit (ignore) the refund value of (base and/or taxes) of an exchange so that the passenger does not receive the refund amount. Agencies may choose to forfeit refunds for a number of reasons. For example, forfeiture may be desired if:

      • The refund has a very low amount, such as USD 0.10.

      • The refund has a low amount, such as lower than USD 10.00, and requires an EMD. EMDs can be relatively expensive transactions, and it may be preferable to avoid the fee for a small refund.

      • There is no EMD support for the applicable country, airline, and/or agency.

      • Agency business criteria and/or airline criteria for not to refund for a certain value

      To forfeit fares, you can select either:

      • Do not issue the refund forfeits both the base fare and all applicable taxes.

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        After you select this option, the list of taxes for the fare is displayed.

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      Select a tax code to EXCLUDE that tax from the refund, then click Apply.

      In this example, €1.24 (DE) is refunded to the passenger, and €8.77 (RA) is not included in the refund.

    2. If applicable. In the Ticketing details section, add commission information, endorsements, IT/BT modifiers, and tour codes.

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  13. After all reviews and changes are made, select either:

    • Confirm and Hold to hold the exchange for ticketing at a later time. The time limit for the hold varies based on the carrier and the fare rules for this itinerary.

    • Confirm and Ticket to complete the exchange and issue the new tickets.

    Both confirm options display a Selections Submitted confirmation screen with the new itinerary and fare information. This example shows a Confirm and Ticket confirmation screen, which also includes a confirmation of the ticket reissue.

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  14. Optional. Select View booking file to display the updated PNR/booking file with the new ticket information.

    You can also view the exchange result in the terminal view, by displaying the new ticket from the *HTE field.

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    Next lesson: Enhanced exchange