E-ticket interline agreement table

MyTravelport search: Display interline for a plating carrier

To display a list of interline electronic agreements for a specific carrier, enter: DT/IAT/DISXX (XX= carrier code)

Example: DT/IAT/DISAT (AT = Royal Air Maroc)

The display shows those airlines that accept an AT ticket. For example, for AC (Air Canada), Y appears next to the carrier code, which indicates that you can validate an Air Canada itinerary against Royal Air Maroc, even if no Royal Air Maroc flights exist in the itinerary.

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Travelport+ issues all travel documents, including the accounting interface, simultaneously, although modifiers can be used to issue only the type of document required.

The system prints the supporting documents depending on how this has been set up in the Support Document Print Table options table (HMET).

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To change settings, tab to the N under print now and change to Y.

Next lesson: Issue documents