Passive sell

The passive hotel feature is used to add non-GDS hotel segments to a booking, and then it can be downloaded to a back-office system or displayed on an itinerary.

  • The status code used with passive hotel segments is MK.

  • The passive sell segment may have optional fields in addition to the required items listed below.

  • You may cancel the MK passive segments, but the messages are not sent to the hotel supplier. (Modifications to the MK passive segment are currently not allowed.)

There are mandatory items you must include with each passive hotel segment and optional items, some of which are listed here. Refer to MyTravelport for more information.

Mandatory items

Optional Items

City code

Rate quoted (/RQ-)


Rate access code (/RA-)

Number of rooms

Commission information (/CM)

Property number /P- for Travelport participating hotels

Guarantee (/G-)

Hotel name (/H-)

Service Information (/SI-)

Room type/rate code (/R-)

Confirmation number (/CF-)

Booking reason code (/BC-)

Corporate discount number (/CD-)

Create the passive hotel segment using a direct sell entry, for example:


A close up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

Complete the booking in the usual way, enter all mandatory entries and then end transaction.

A number and date on a white background

Description automatically generated

Booking reason codes

You can display a list of mandatory booking reason codes on the help page H/REASON.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Next lesson: Modify a hotel segment