Display and book available ancillaries after end transact

Once the booking file has been ended, you can display the available ancillary services for the flights booked. It is best practice to price the itinerary first before shopping for ancillaries as things such as baggage or seats may already be included in your fare.

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Type DAS* to view the available ancillary services for this itinerary in the graphical ancillary screen:

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Smartpoint Cloud shows all services available to the flight segments. Notice the description, price, and segment number associated with each ancillary.

You may use DAS* with modifiers to view more specific information. For example, DAS**F for flight-related or DAS**M for merchandising.

To see details, add the line of the desired service next to the green tab . For example, >DAS*L·4

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To book an ancillary service, redisplay the full list if needed, DAS*R

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Next, choose the line number and how many of the ancillaries you need (if multples are permitted). For example, to add one 1st additional bag for segment 1, enter: DAS01L1.

The following additional formats may be useful when selling ancillaries:




Display all services for passenger 1.


Display all services for passengers 2 and 4.


Book one service on line 1 of the list.


Book one service on line 1 of the list for passenger 1 only.


Book one service on line 1 and line 6

DAS01L4*TX-ROAD BIKE 20 X 60 X 120CM 13KG

Book one service on line four of the list with available services, including additional text.

Result of entry: DAS01L1*01L7

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The example above shows a 1st additional bag requested for segments 1 and 2.

After adding a received field and the booking file is ended and retrieved, the *DAS field will display a breakdown of the ancillary service booked.

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Description automatically generated




Line number


Supplier/airline code


Commercial name of the ancillary


Status of the ancillary:

AC = Active

CX = Cancelled

PD = Pending

RF = Refunded

OF = Offered (Requested)

PR = Priced

CD = Confirmed

AP = Auto priced

FD = Fulfilled


Cost of booked ancillary


Currency of cost


Applicable flight number and routing of ancillary

Next lesson: Display ancillary services