Cancel an ancillary item

To cancel the main service element, enter: SI.XXXX@

To cancel for a specific passenger and segment enter: SI.PnSm/XXXX@  Where n is the passenger number and m is the segment number.

If the service sale only created an SSR ASVC, then XXXX is ASVC.

If the service sale created an SSR ASVC and another SSR, then XXXX is the other SSRs code, as in this example. To cancel the first bag, the SSR ASVC is accompanied by another SSR, XBAG, so this is the SSR code you need to use in the canceling entry.

To cancel the first checked bag (XBAG), enter: SI.XBAG@

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The first checked bag has been removed.

Warning: If the EMD has already been issued, you need to manage it separately. You can VOID the EMD or REFUND if the carrier permits it.

To void the EMD issued for the bicycle, display the EMD list, EMDL

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A Settlement Authorization Code (SAC) is given and the EMD is voided.

Amend an existing ancillary service

It is currently not possible to amend a confirmed ancillary service. You would need to cancel the original ancillary and book a new one.

Next lesson: Summary