Amend a filed fare

A filed auto-quote or manual fare build can be retrieved at any time before ticketing, and the various fields amended or deleted.

Display Fare 1 in Fare Build format: *FB1

Use FBU entries as appropriate to amend the existing data.


The entry will overwrite whatever is currently in the fare field.

Example entry to change all baggage to 20K: FBUBG/20K


To delete a field, re-enter the Fare Build Update entry, but omit any data after the slash (/).

Example entry to delete all endorsements: FBUEB/

File the Fare Build: FBF

Note: Amending an auto-quote fare through the Fare Build Update will change the fare guarantee from either G or C to B. Baggage allowance, ticket designators, endorsements, and taxes can be changed without losing the guarantee. (However, any changes to the FBUPFC/ and FBUTB1 entries will cause the guaranteed to change to B.)

The baggage allowance can also be amended, and the original guarantee retained by making the entry FF1BG30K.

Next lesson: Restore filed fare