Ticket Exchange Plus
The Ticket Exchange Plus script allows you to request automatic exchange processing for tickets using the Travelport Rapid Reprice feature. If automatic exchanges are not available for the selected tickets, Ticket Exchange Plus also provides screens that allow you to manually exchange the tickets.
After you access Ticket Exchange Plus, the script uses the ticket rules and restrictions to determine if an ticketed booking can be either:
- Automatically exchanged using the Travelport Rapid Reprice feature.
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For automatic exchanges, Ticket Exchange Plus:
- Reads the PNR history for previous ticket numbers and fares so that this information typically displays automatically and does not need to be entered.
- Uses historical data, current fares, and rules data to reprice a revised itinerary.
- Automatically displays any additional collection and change/penalty fee amounts.
- Manually exchanged if the itinerary does not qualify for automatic exchange with Rapid Reprice.
Note: Worldspan does not validate fare rules when an exchange ticket is processed using the Ticket Exchange Plus manual process. It is the responsibility of the agent to check the fares rules prior to processing a manual exchange to determine the new fare and, if a penalty charge applies, how the penalty should be collected.
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For manual exchanges, Ticket Exchange Plus:
- Automates the entries required for an exchange ticket.
- Handles many of the mathematical calculations by capturing old ticket data from the ETR or document history to populate the dialog boxes.
- Allows for the use of the Document Instruction (DI) field. If the ticket is not issued at the time the script is run, Unique Remarks are documented in the PNR 5.Z field.
- (BSP exchanges only) Uses Rate Desk Pricing process (RDP) to price and store the fare for the new ticket in preparation for the exchange.
- Calculates for add collect and refunds, and includes any penalty amount when added by the agent.