Booking Branded Fares in Air Availability
Depending on the airline and route, some Air Availability results may return Branded Fares. Branded Fares may be returned for both Network (GDS) and Direct Payment Carrier segments.
With Smartpoint, you can view Branded Fares to display the associated Fare Families and Ancillary Services for a flight.
To book Branded Fares:
- Request Air Availability to display Air Availability results.
The Brands and Ancillaries screen displays in the Smart Panel. The Fare Families associated with your selected flight are listed on the left pane of the screen. The Fare Family fare, description and available ancillaries (optional services) are also displayed.
Note that upsell prices for Fare Families and prices for Ancillary Services are not displayed in Branded Fares for Air Availability. You can view prices when you access Branded Fares for Fare Shopping or Air Pricing.
- Optional. Select a Fare Family option from the Fare Family list. Note that the available Ancillaries on the right side of the screen change when you select a new brand in the Fare Family.
- Optional. In the Ancillaries section, click an ancillary service to see more information about the service. For Air Availability, the ancillaries are viewed only.
Paid ancillary services that are not included in the price of the brand can be selected in Fare Shopping or Pricing. Any prices listed for an ancillary on this screen are approximate because fare and ancillary charges are not final until the itinerary is priced. See Adding Ancillary Services for more information.
- Optional. Select the MATRIX tab to view a comparison of the available brands in a table format.
More Information
The feature or ancillary service is not available for the brand.
The feature or ancillary service is available included in the brand.
The feature or ancillary service is available not included in the brand, but is available for an additional charge. The currency code displayed is based on the point of sale.
- Hover over each icon a the top of the matrix to view a description of that item.
Note that the same icon may display more than once for related information. For example, Rebooking and Refunds use the same icon.
- Click the DETAIL tab to return to Branding Information.
- To book a fare, click a class of service for the desired fare brand.
A message at the top of the Brands and Ancillaries screen indicates that the booking is successful. The class of service in number of passengers for the segment is also indicated.
Click CLOSE to exit the Brands and Ancillaries screen.
The booked segment is added in the PNR Viewer.