Smart Buttons
Controls/XML Elements

String Operation <StringOperation>

StringOperation performs multiple operations on text such as:

  • Trimming

  • Replacing part of the text with different text

  • Finding an index of specific elements in the text

  • Changing text to upper or lower case

  • Finding specific text inside of text with regex.


To configure with the String Operation Editor:

  1. Open the Smart Buttons Editor to create a script.

  2. Click StringOperation <StringOperation> to display the StringOperation Editor.

  3. Configure the attributes.



    String source

    Enter either:

    The static text that you want to modify.

    A variable from your script in square brackets. For example: [EmailAddresses]

    Variable name Enter the name of the variable that will hold the new modified text (string). For example: UpdatedEmailAddress
    Operation type

    Click the Operation type arrow to select operation to perform on the text.

    • CharacterCasing

      Changes text to either lower case or upper case.

    • StringLength

      Counts the number of characters within the string. Counts all characters including spaces.

    • Trim

      allows to trim (cut) specific text/characters from the beginning of the string, from end or from both

    • Replace

      Replaces part of the string with alternative text.

    • Substring

      Cuts part of the text and use it as a new text (substring).

    • IndexOf

      Finds the position (Index) of a specific character in the text. If the specified character/s are not found “-1” is returned.

    • Regex

      Uses regular expressions to read only a specific part of the text.


Example 1

To use the following script, be sure to:

  • Replace the booking number in line 2 with a real booking number.

  • Confirm that the Booking File contains at least one email address.

<ButtonConf ButtonName="Emails - String Operations - all" Description="" QuickCommand="">
<Variable VarName="Emails">%EmailsList%</Variable>
<!-- Show the original string (text)-->
<!--Change the original text to Lower Case text -->
<StringOperation Type="CharacterCasing" VarName="LowerCaseText" Source="[Emails]">
<Argument Name="Type">ToLowerCase</Argument>
<!--Show the lenght of my text-->
<StringOperation Type="StringLength" VarName="Lenght" Source="[Emails]"></StringOperation>
<ShowMessage>Lenght of the string: [Lenght]</ShowMessage>
<!-- Show email addresses where @ is replaced with //-->
<StringOperation Type="Replace" VarName="EmailsWithSlashes" Source="[Emails]">
<Argument Name="ReplaceFrom"><![CDATA[@]]></Argument>
<Argument Name="ReplaceTo"><![CDATA[//]]></Argument>
<!--Change text to new one, start to read text on 2nd charachter and read 10 charachters-->
<StringOperation Type="Substring" VarName="EmailsSubstring" Source="[Emails]">
<Argument Name="StartFrom">2</Argument>
<Argument Name="Length">10</Argument>
<ShowMessage>Substring, start from 2 and read 10 charachters: [EmailsSubstring]</ShowMessage>
<!--Show Index of "@"-->
<StringOperation Type="IndexOf" VarName="EmailsIndexOf@" Source="[Emails]">
<Argument Name="Type">First</Argument>
<Argument Name="SearchString"><![CDATA[@]]></Argument>
<ShowMessage>Index of first "@" : [EmailsIndexOf@]</ShowMessage>
<!--Cut only domain of my email addresse with regex-->
<StringOperation Type="Regex" VarName="EmailRegexDomain" Source="[Emails]">
<Argument Name="Pattern"><![CDATA[(?:@)(\w{1,}\.\w{2,})]]></Argument>
<Argument Name="IgnoreCase">True</Argument>
<Argument Name="SingleLineMethod">False</Argument>
<Argument Name="SingleMatch">False</Argument>
<Argument Name="MatchGroups">GroupNumber</Argument>
<Argument Name="GroupNumberValue">1</Argument>

Example 2

The following script checks if the text entered in a text box includes the word “ABC”.

First we check the Index of word “ABC” with StringOperation and then with ConditionalAction we check if the Index is greater that -1 (-1 means no text of “ABC” found in the main string)

<ButtonConf ButtonName="INDEXoF -1" Description="This script allows to check if entered text include word ABC" QuickCommand="OK">
<TextBox VarName="Text" Question="Enter text that you want to check" Width="80"></TextBox>
<StringOperation Type="IndexOf" VarName="NewText" Source="[Text]">
<Argument Name="Type">First</Argument>
<Argument Name="SearchString"><![CDATA[ABC]]></Argument>
<ConditionalAction Condition="[NewText]&gt;-1">
<ShowMessage>YES,text that you entered include word "ABC"</ShowMessage>
<ShowMessage>NO,text that you entered does not include word "ABC"</ShowMessage>