Travelport Smart Buttons Library

Buttons in the Travelport Smart Buttons Library do not come bundled with Smartpoint 11.0 and later. If your agency would like any or all of these buttons, please contact your Travelport Account Manager to request installation.


Smart buttons

Travelport Smart Buttons Library


ARC only. This button creates an MCO for either Residual or Down Payment using the form fill options:

Residual MCO

Following is a step-by-step process to fill out the form and issue an MCO:

Note: The following fields pre-populate based on the first segment in the PNR/Booking File. Update or change these fields at any time.

  • Name – pre-select first name as default

  • *Airline Name

  • *Airport Name

  • For – pre-filled with Residual Value

  • FOP – default to CK

  • *Airline Code

  • Taxes - default N

  • MCO Remarks – default Y

  • Currency

The dialog pre-fills the remark “RESIDUAL VALUE”

After the form is completed correctly, a window prompts displays to issue the MCO.


Down Payment MCO

The window prompts you to enter all mandatory fields.

After the information is entered, the next window displays pre-filled. Enter any remaining data and click Submit.