Net Fare Manager

Net Fare Manager (NFM) allows subscribers to easily create selling fares based upon airline filed net fares. The net fares can be specified fares or net fares created using category 25 (CAT25).

Net Fare Manager gives travel agencies or consolidators using special negotiated fares filed by an airline the ability to input their selling levels and have these available for automated distribution. The selling fares data that is maintained through Net Fare Manager resides within the Travelport 360 Fares database, ensuring full rule validation when quoted and filed into a booking. The Selling levels for the airline filed private fares are fully integrated with Public Fares, Agency Private Fares, and Airline Private Fares that may be in use by an agency.

Access Net Fare Manager

Net Fare Manager is accessed through the Smart Mark-up web site, located at On accessing Smart Mark-up, users and the supplier codes authorized to access Net Fare Manager will land on Net Fare Search and Inbox.

  • Net Fare Manager – Net Fare Search & Inbox, and Global Selling level screens.

Using Net Fare Manager

A Net Fare Manager supplier is notified via an Inbox of all the Carrier Tariffs and Rules available to mark-up and onward redistribute. The airline must have given the supplier Sell, Ticket, Update and Redistribution authority. From the Inbox, selling fares can be created and distributed out to other PCCs or IATA numbers via the global selling level workflow.

After they are entered, these selling fares and the airline-filed associated rules are available within Travelport 360 Fares, allowing integrated fare display, rule validation, fare quote, and shopping through Travelport+ and the Point-of-Sale products.

High-level process

  1. Net Fare Manager subscribers receive a notification via the Inbox when an airline files a net fare giving the Travelport Net Fare Manager supplier the authority to create a selling fare.

  2. Net Fare Manager suppliers create selling levels and distribution of them using the Global Selling level screen. Selling fares can be created against specific criteria, such as cabin, fare class, and/or markets. Net Fare Manager suppliers can set a selling level for specified net fares or CAT25 net fares, as long as the supplier has been given sell, ticket update and redistribute authority by the airline.

  3. Fares maintained within Net Fare Manager are uploaded to the database throughout the day. Refer to Upload Times for more information.