EMD Handler

Worldspan: Not available to Worldspan users.

The EMD issuance handler lets you: 

  • Configure the issuance of EMD-S, EMD-A, or both

  • Specify a form of payment or let the system use the PNR's form of payment (*FOP).

  • Queue PNRs without EMDs to a specific queue

  • Specify the queue where PNRs are moved when EMD issuance is successful

  • Specify the queue where PNRs are moved when EMD issuance has failed

  • Specify multiple email addresses to which a notification of EMD failure is sent

Configure Handler

  1. Select the type of EMD to configure.

  2. If the form of payment field is empty, the form of payment from the PNR, *FOP, will be used. You can specify a different form of payment, for example S for cash or CK for check. Refer to the FormOfPayment values in Supported Data.

  3. Specify the queue where PNRs are moved when EMD issuance is successful. Use the format PCC/QueueNo*category*date range (category and date range are optional).
    For example: X0G/30*DM*1;X0G/10*DM

    When an EMD is successfully issued, the PNR contains notepad entries containing EMD number and the action log will include the entries that show the EMD issuance with the EMD number.

  4. Specify the queue where PNRs are moved when EMD issuance has failed. Use the same format explained above.

  5. Enter email addresses that will receive notification of EMD issuance failure. Separate multiple addresses using a semicolon.

    One email will be sent consolidating the failure messages for all the attempts of EMD issuance including both standalone and associated. QCC will log the error responses from the host in the action logs. The PNR will contain the notepad entries stating the segments for which the EMD could not be issued.

    Example Notepad entries

    Example email notification