Custom Check Warning

If an agent has a Custom Check warning or error set up for a booking file, an NDC airline booking cannot be made. After a passive segment is made in the booking file, the booking is automatically ended and retrieved. If a Custom Check rule prevents this, the process is halted and the request is not sent to the airline.

The agent will see a warning.

This Custom Check warning must be acted upon in order to request the booking be made in the airline.

The agent must remove the Custom Check rule and remove the passive segment from the booking file before making the NDC booking.

Note: All agencies who have Custom Check activated in their offices need to ensure that they attach applicable rules before launching the NDC plugin. This can be done by moving in a profile which contains the Custom Check rule(s) or a standalone (RULA) rule attachment entry. Failure to attach rules beforehand, will result in NDC booking failure and the need to start the workflow afresh ensuring rules are attached properly. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.