Edit your host email

Did you know that you can edit or reset your host email address?

  1. Sign on to Smartpoint.

  2. Enter the format for your email address. The format varies depending on your sign on format. This example shows a format for an emulated PCC (111) with an agent ID of Z123.

  3. Your current email address displays with the cursor in the lower right of the screen.

    1-STD/ Z123/111/*


    >STD/  Z123  /*EM NAME: JONES SAM -123456-


    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM.JONES@HOTMAIL.COM..........................




    ......................                                         >


  4. Press the TAB key to move the cursor to the NEW EMAIL ADDRESS field.

  5. Enter a new address. For example: AGENT.NAME@YOURAGENCY.COM

    Important! This email address must be a unique address that is not used by any other agent.


    • Be sure to type only on the dots.

    • You can use underscores (_) in Smartpoint 9.0 or later. For example, you can enter AGENT_NAME@YOURAGENCY.COM. Galileo does not support underscores, but Smartpoint converts the underscore to be processed correctly by Galileo.

    • For Travelport+ (1G), you can use the @ sign.

    • For Travelport Apollo, use the pillow ( ¤ ) in place of the @ sign. If you are using a generic keyboard, press the left bracket key ( [ ) to the right of the letter P to enter a pillow.

    • If you have a long email address that requires more space than the first row, move your cursor down to the next row and continue entering your email address.

    1-STD/ Z123/111/*


    >STD/  Z123  /*EM NAME: JONES SAM -123456-


    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.............................


    CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.........................


    ......................                                         >


  6. Tab to CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS to enter the new address again.

  7. Important: Press the TAB key after you enter your email address for the second time. The cursor must be in the correct location to prevent an error.

    Correct Cursor Location

    The cursor is in the correct location to the left of screen after you press the TAB key a second time.

    1-STD/ Z123/111/*


    >STD/  Z123  /*EM NAME: JONES SAM -123456-


    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.............................


    CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.........................



    .                                                            >


    Incorrect Cursor Location

    1-STD/ Z123/111/*


    >STD/  Z123  /*EM NAME: JONES SAM -123456-


    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.............................


    CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.........................



    .                                                            >


  8. Press ENTER to confirm the email address change. Be sure to press ENTER only one time.

    1-STD/ Z123/111/*


    >STD/  Z123  /*EM NAME: JONES SAM -123456-


    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.............................


    CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS: SAM_JONES@MAIL.COM.........................





Tip: After you change your email address, allow for approximately 24 hours for your new address to be changed in your MyTravelport profile. If you need a reset before that time, please use non-automated options for Client ID reset and password reset.


The following error messages may display after you press ENTER.



Email Mismatch

Ensure that the email addresses that you entered match exactly.

Invalid Format

Confirm the format for your email address.

Err: Format

Ensure that you typed your email address, pressed TAB, typed your email address again to confirm, pressed TAB again, then pressed ENTER.

Check Action Code

You may have pressed ENTER twice after entering your email address the second time.